

    毕业论文关键词: 农药,绿萝,百菌清,生根粉 

    Chlorothalonil and abt money plant growth impact

    Abstract: This experiment with other material, with other indicators such as plant height, the new leaf weight as the sign, the low dose of chlorothalonil, abt on money plant growth stimulating effect, to explore the relationship between pesticides and plant growth, in order to provide the basis for ecological risk assessment of the pesticide.Experimental results show that 150 mg/kg abt the new the money plant leaf fresh weight have a significant impact, compared with controls, processing after 60 days, new the money plant leaf fresh weight, 1093.10% chlorothalonil on other new fresh stem leaf ChongWu stimulation significantly.200 mg/kg abt the money plant root length have a significant impact, compared with controls, processing after 60 days, money plant root was decreased by 76.07%, chlorothalonil on other new fresh stem leaf ChongWu stimulation significantly.Chlorothalonil 200 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg abt has a significant effect on other root fresh weight, compared with controls,  

    processing after 60 days, money plant root fresh weight decreased by 62.04% and 62.04% respectively.

    Keywords:  Pesticide, Scindapsus aureus,Chlorothalonil, Abt


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 绿萝的生态学特征及观赏价值 1

    1.2 农药与生根粉简介 2

    1.2.1  百菌清 3

    1.2.2  生根粉 4

    1.2.3  传统化学农药对植物生长的危害 4

    2 材料与方法 7

    2.1 供试绿萝、农药、生根粉 7

    2.2 农药、生根粉浓度配制方法 7

    2.3 绿萝培养 7

    2.4 绿萝生长量测定 8

    2.4.1 绿萝根长、株高的测定 8

    2.4.2 绿萝根重及新增茎叶重量测定 8

    3 实验数据与分析 9

    3.1 百菌清与生根粉对绿萝新增鲜重的影响 9

    3.2 百菌清与生根粉对绿萝根长的影响 10

    3.3 百菌清与生根粉对绿萝株高的影响 12

    3.4 百菌清与生根粉对绿萝根鲜重的影响

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