
    摘要: 青锁龙属于景天科青锁龙属,是一种常见的多肉花卉,多用于盆栽观赏。普通青锁龙一般采用茎的扦插繁殖,繁殖出的新青锁龙品质不一。本课题主要研究采用组织培养的方法,大量、快速的繁殖青锁龙。课题研究采用12种不同浓度的6BA与NAA激素组合的培养基诱导青锁龙愈伤组织与不定芽,测定出何种浓度激素的培养基最适合青锁龙组织培养。同时分别记录青锁龙在组织培养中和无菌扦插中的生长速度并进行对比。讨论青锁龙是否适合组织培养,为今后青锁龙的繁殖提供更为准确的数据。62224

    毕业论文关键词:  青锁龙;组织培养;愈伤组织;激素;不定芽

    Tissue Culture of Fleshy flower Crassula 

    Abstract: Crassula belongs to Crassulaceae Crassula, which is a common fleshy flower, used for ornamental plants. Generally,Most Crassula reproduced by stem cutting propagation and new Crassula did not have high quality. In this paper, we mainly study the method of tissue culture of Crassula to reproduce a large number of Crassula fast. In this research, Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration will do by 12 kinds of medium containing different concentrations of 6-BA and NAA.Determination of the concentration of the hormone of the culture medium is the most suitable for the development of the tissue culture of the green lock Crassula. At the same time, the growth rate of the Crassula of the tissue culture and the aseptic cutting was recorded and compared. Discussing whether the Crassula is suitable for tissue culture to provide more accurate data for the future development of the Crassula. 

    Keywords: Crassula ; tissue culture ;Callus ;hormone ;adventitious bud 

    目  录

    1绪论 1

    1.1 青锁龙属植物背景简介 1

    1.1.1  青锁龙属 1

    1.1.2  青锁龙 1

    1.2研究青锁龙组织培养的目的和意义 1

    1.3青锁龙组织培养中应解决的主要问题 2

    2 试验材料与方法 2

    2.1 试验用品 2

    2.1.1实验材料 2

    2.1.2实验药品 2

    2.1.3实验仪器 2

    2.2 试验方法 2

    2.3 操作过程 2

    2.3.1配置培养基 3

    2.3.2培养基以及器材的消毒以及外植体的消毒 3

    2.3.3接种 3

    2.3.4配置新的含有不同浓度激素组合的培养基并进行接种操作 4

    3  结果与分析 4

    3.1愈伤组织形成情况 4

    3.1.1污染率 4

    3.1.2愈伤组织诱导率 5

    3.1.3愈伤组织形态 7

    3.2在不同浓度激素组合下愈伤组织的生长状况 7

    3.3在不同浓度激素组合下芽诱导的状况 7

    3.3.1 污染率 7

    3.3.2诱导率 8

    3.3.3芽诱导过程 9

    3.3.4芽诱导的特殊情况 9

    3.4 空白对照组的生长状况

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