

    毕业论文关键词    兽疫链球菌    透明质酸    Has基因    发酵   


    Title   Construction of secretion of hyaluronic acid genetically engineered bacteria 

    Abstract Hyaluronic acid is a natural mucopolysaccharid, it has a very wide range of applications in the field of pharmaceutical and cosmetic. What’s more, 

    Streptococcus equi is one of the most commonly used strains of industrial microbial fermentation production of hyaluronic acid. The purpose of this paper is to knockout the gene of β-hemolysin and hyaluronic acid hydrolase by Homologous recombination or mutation breeding, which will has bad effects on the fermentation of Streptococcus equi And we will import gene of the key enzymes in the HA biosynthesis pathway (e.g. HasA, HasB, etc.) to enhance the synthesis of hyaluronic acid through genetic engineering methods. Finally, optimized the conditions of Streptococcus fermentation in order to improve the production of hyaluronic acid fermentation by Streptococcus, and to achieve ultimately industrial production requirements.

    Keywords: Streptococcus equi  hyaluronic acid  has gene  fermentation


    1  引言 1

    1.1  透明质酸(HA)的概述 1

    1.2  HA的分布 1

    1.3  HA的生物合成 2

    1.4  HA合成酶家族 3

    1.5  HA的应用 4

    1.6  HA的工业生产 4

    1.7  HA工程菌的构建 5

    1.7.1  诱变育种 5

    1.7.2  基因工程育种 5

    1.8  本实验研究思路 6

    1.9  展望 7

    2  实验材料 8

    2.1  菌株和质粒 8

    2.2  培养基 8

    2.3  溶液配制 9

    2.4  主要试剂 9

    2.5  主要仪器及设备 9

    3  实验方法及步骤 10

    3.1 菌种的保藏 10

    3.2 兽疫链球菌染色体DNA的提取 11

    3.3 目的基因的获取 11

    3.4 PCR扩增目的基因 12

    3.5 琼脂糖凝胶电泳并回收目的基因 12

    3.6  透明质酸水解酶基因(Hyl)的敲除 13

    3.7 诱变法筛选无β-溶血素和Hyl基因的菌株 14

    3.8 大肠杆菌感受态细胞的制备及电转化

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