


    Abstract: Soil enzymes play an important role in energy conversion in the soil and material cycle and that is one of the important indicators of soil fertility. Organophosphorus compounds occupy a certain proportion in soil and plant nutrition. Only with the soil phosphatase enzyme, which is one of the most popular soil enzymes, organophosphorus can be converted to forms available to plants.As the important agricultural regions of Jiangsu, Huaiyin district is rich in a variety of agricultural products. According to the colorimetry of 4 - amino Ann for which the Lin, preliminary investigations and studies of soil urease were carried out in various Huaiyin regions, which has a certain guiding significance to know the soil characteristics of the region and the scientific and reasonable fertilization methods. As is shown by the research results, the water content from the soils in Huaiyin districts is relatively high. Meanwhile, pH maintains stable between 7 and 8. And the soil is inclined to be neutral. From the results of determining contents of phosphorus, the quality of local soils is good, and so its fertility is. Therefore, it is suitable for growing rice, maize and wheat.

    Key words: soil enzyme activity, soil phosphatase activity, different cultivation conditions


    1  前言 4

    材料与方法 4

    2.1  土壤样品的采集与处理 4

    2.2  仪器设备与试剂 5

    2.2.1  仪器设备 5

    2.2.2  试剂 5

    2.2.3  溶液配制 5

    2.3  实验方法 6

    2.3.1  测定步骤 6

    2.3.2  土壤磷酸酶活性的测定 6

    2.3.3  植物根围不同土壤层次磷酸酶活性测定 6

    2.3.4  土样的称样量对磷酸酶测定结果的影响 6

    2.3.5  培养时间对土壤磷酸酶测定结果的影响 6

    3   结论与分析 6

    3.1  比色绘制酚的标准溶液的标准曲线 6

    3.2  土壤样品的含水量 7

    3.3  土壤样品的pH 7

    3.4  植物根围不同土壤层次磷酸酶活性测定 8

    3.4.1  培养时间对碱性土壤磷酸酶测定结果的影响 8

    3.4.2  以水代替基质培养土样的磷的含量

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