

    毕业论文关键词: 高盐含铜废水、人工湿地、水生鸢尾、叶绿素含量、生长

    Effects of High-salt Copper-containing Wastewater on Growth and Chlorophyll Content of aquatic Iris

    Abstract: In order to explore the aquatic iris growth in high salt wastewater containing copper, through the preparation of artificial wastewater: with the same concentration of copper ion and different concentrations of NaCl (Na content respectively: 0, 1%, 2%, 1%, 6%, 8%, 6%) of the waste water sample, and inspection of aquatic iris in different growth situation of salt content of the wastewater containing copper. The results showed that high-salt copper-containing wastewater had a significant effect on the growth and chlorophyll content of Iris in artificial wetlands. The higher the salt content, the greater the negative effect on the growth and chlorophyll content of the plant, the lower the salt concentration in the wastewater, the growth of the aquatic iris has a certain role in promoting. Otherwise the plants harm, severe cases can lead to plant death. The lower concentration of copper can inhibit its growth by affecting the net photosynthesis rate of the irises , Plants also absorb copper ions in wastewater, According to the experimental data, it is proved that the absorption of sodium and copper is mainly in the roots, the leaves can also enrich a certain degree of sodium and copper, but it's lower. The experiment can also prove that the aquatic iris can be used as a good sewage treatment materials. It also can provide a reference value of the theoretical basis for the future experiments.

    key word: high-salt copper-containing wastewater; aquatic iris; artificial wetland; Chlorophyll growth

    目  录

    1绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2高盐含铜废水对植物生长的影响 1

    1.2.1高盐度废水对植物生长的影响 1

    1.2.2铜离子对植物生长的影响 2

    1.3水生植物介绍 3

    1.3.1水生植物对环境的净化作用 3

    1.4水生鸢尾概述 4

    1.4.1水生鸢尾的生物学特性 4

    1.5人工湿地应用的相关研究进展 4

    1.5.1人工湿地的概述 4

    1.5.2人工湿地的作用 4

    1.6 课题的研究意义及内容 5

    2. 实验内容与设计

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