
    摘  要甘薯不定根发生发育能力及效率对块根的形成和甘薯在逆境胁迫下的成活率有重大的影响。本实验以徐薯22为试验材料,初步研究外源施加褪黑激素对甘薯不定根发生效率的影响,主要体现在不定根的数量与长度上。结果表明,不同浓度的褪黑激素对甘薯不定根的数量与长度产生了影响,并且表现出明显的浓度效应,高浓度的褪黑激素对甘薯不定根数量以及长度起到了抑制作用,低浓度的褪黑激素对甘薯不定根数量以及长度起到了促进作用。为了进一步探究褪黑激素对甘薯不定根发生效率的影响,对甘薯扦插茎段施加褪黑素抑制剂,可以发现10 μM的P-氯苯丙氨酸对甘薯不定根的数量并没有很大影响,但是10 μM的 P-氯苯丙氨酸显著抑制了甘薯不定根的长度,从而证明了外源褪黑激素确实对甘薯不定根发生效率具有影响。69937

    毕业论文关键词:褪黑激素  甘薯  不定根  

    The effects of exogenous melatonin on the formation and development of adventitious roots in sweet potato

    Abstract Sweet potato adventitious roots formation and development capability and efficiency have a significant impact on the generation of the root and the survival rate of sweet potato under stress conditions. Using Xushu 22 as experimental materials, we investigated the effects of different concentrations of melatonin on the formation and development of adventitious roots in sweet potato. The results showed that different concentrations of melatonin have an effect on the number and length of sweet potato adventitious roots , and showed a significant concentration effect, high concentration of melatonin played an inhibitory effect on the number and length of sweet potato adventitious root, and the low concentration of melatonin played a promoting role in the sweet potato adventitious root number and length.To further explore the impact of endogenous melatonin on the efficiency of adventitious root formation of sweet potato, a melatonin synthesis inhibitor was used in this study. It can be found that 10 μM of P- chlorophenylalanine had no significant impact on the number of adventitious roots of sweet potato, but 10 μM of P - chlorobenzene alanine significantly inhibited length of sweet potato adventitious roots. Based on these results, we concluded that both exogenous melatonin and endogenous melatonin play important roles in the formation and development of sweet potato adventitious roots.

    Key words:melatonin  sweet potato  adventitious roots


    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    变量注释表 V

    引言 1

    1 材料与方法 3

    1.1 试验材料 3

    1.2 试验方法 3

    2 结果与分析 4

    2.1  不同浓度外源褪黑激素对甘薯不定根数量的影响 4

    2.2 褪黑激素合成抑制剂对甘薯不定根数量的影响 9

    2.3  不同浓度外源褪黑激素对甘薯不定根长度的影响 9

    2.4 褪黑激素合成抑制剂对甘薯不定根长度的影响 13

    3讨论 13

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17


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