    关键字 Android,移动终端,图书挂失
    Title    Loss reporting module is based on the student's side Android
    With the booming development of smart mobile phone industry, the software used in smart mobile phones is springing up constantly. This is not only convenient for people's lives, but also changing people's lifestyle. As the most widely used mobile operating system, the Android operating system accounts for most of the smart mobile phone market with its openness, unfettered, rich hardware, convenience of developing , massive application and other advantages. Therefore, Students can access the desired content through the browser , the system is to achieve the same effect by Android mobile client .
    According to the working principle of the library, designing each module and the overall architecture of the system. Eclipse, which is used as development tools, is going to be designed for the front client application. Based on the JAVA language, client / server architecture is expected to be used during the middle of the process. At the end of the process, the database of SQLite will be applied to fulfill the connection of the entire framework. Eventually, most targets including login on the mobile and search for books, could be realized by the developed Android system.
    Key words  Android, The mobile terminal, Book report the loss
    目   次
    1 绪论1
       1.1 引言.1
       1.2 研究背景及现状.1
       1.3 研究背景.2
       1.4 本文组织结构.2
    2 Android技术的系统分析3
          2.1.1 Android简介3
          2.1.2 Android的优点3
          2.1.3 Android的缺点4
          2.1.4 Android架构4
       2.2 开发工具介绍5
          2.2.1 JDK1.6及以上版本.5
          2.2.2 Eclipse3.5及以上版本.5
          2.2.3 ADT6
          2.2.4 SQLite简介.7
       2.3 开发平台搭建7
          2.3.1 Java开发平台搭建.7
          2.3.2 Java环境变量配置8
          2.3.3 Android开发平台搭建10
          2.3.4 创建Android模拟器12
       3.1 系统主要功能模块15
       3.2 数据库设计15
          3.2.1 数据库概念模块设计.15
          3.2.2 数据库的相关操作17
    4 模块开发及实现18
       4.1 主界面的实现18
       4.2 主要功能的实现18
           4.2.2 挂失界面设计19
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