
    摘要:纳豆是众所周知的保健食品,具有广阔的市场前景。本课题组前期分离到两株纳豆菌,其发酵生产的纳豆存在着有丝和无丝的显著差。为探究不同纳豆产品营养的差异,本研究对这两株纳豆菌分别以整豆和碎豆为培养基进行发酵,获得相应的纳豆产品;运用纤维蛋白平板法测定纳豆纤溶活性;运用3 , 5- 二硝基水杨酸法测定纳豆多糖含量;运用考马斯亮蓝 G -250 染色法测定纳豆可溶性蛋白含量。结果为:整豆培养时,产丝纳豆的纤溶活性比无丝纳豆的强;有丝纳豆的多糖含量比无丝纳豆的低;有丝纳豆的可溶性蛋白含量比无丝纳豆的高;碎豆培养时,有丝纳豆的纤溶活性比无丝纳豆的弱,有丝纳豆的多糖含量比无丝纳豆的高,有丝纳豆的可溶性蛋白含量比无丝纳豆的低。本研究结果表明,两种不同的纳豆菌发酵得到的产品各有特色。本研究为纳豆产品的生产提供了理论参考数据,为市场开发出更多种类的纳豆产品奠定了基础。69047


    The Nutritional Components Comparison of the Natto with Ropiness and without Ropiness

    Abstract: Natto was a well-known health food. and had broad market prospect. Two strains different bacillus natto. were isolated in the early word. Fermentation products of the tow strains had significant difference in ropiness occurring. The nutritional components of different fermentation products were studied in the experiment. The whole bean and broken soy were respectively used for fermentation culture medium and different natto products were obtained. Fibrin plate method was used for determining fibrinolytic activity of natto. 3 -, 5 - dinitrosalicylic acid method was used for determining the polysaccharide content of natto. Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 staining method was used for determining the content of soluble protein. The results showed when the whole bean was used for fermentation culture medium, the fiber capacity activity of  natto with ropiness was stronger than natto without ropiness, and the polysaccharide of  natto with ropiness was lower than natto without ropiness, and the soluble proteins of  natto with ropiness was lower than natto without ropiness. When the broken bean was used for fermentation culture medium, the fiber capacity activity of natto with ropiness was weaker than natto without ropiness, and the polysaccharide of  natto with ropiness was higher than natto without ropiness, and  the soluble proteins of  natto with ropiness was higher than natto without ropiness.  The results indicated that two different types of bacillus natto fermentation products had their own characteristics. The study will provide some useful theoretical basis for the natto production and the development of variety natto products .

    Keywords: component difference; natto; soluble protein; fibrinolytic activity; amylose


    前言 1

    1 材料与方法 2

    1.1实验材料 2

    1.2试剂 2

    1.3仪器 2

    1.4培养基 2

    1.5试液 2

    1.6方法 3

    2结果与分析 5

    2.1纳豆的纤溶活性 5

    2.2多糖含量 6

    2.3可溶性蛋白含量 7

    2.4样品的可溶性蛋白电泳分析 8

    3讨论 8


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