

    毕业论文关键词  期权定价  非参数  正则估值   欧拉逼近


    Title  The comparative analysis of two kinds of nonparametric     estimation method for option pricing                                          


    The option price as the only variable in option contract,its pricing in -fluences both the buyer and the seller’s profit and loss status,is the Core problem of options’ trading.In traditional option pricing theory,We first assume the underlying assets to satisfy a specific model,on the premise of all parameters in the model are confirmed we can get the con-clusion of option pricing.But in the actual market,this theory is not Practical.When using the nonparametric method in statistical inference,the corresponding option pricing problem is the option’s nonparametric pricng. This paper studies when the historical price of underlying asset follows the Geometric Brown motion,the CEV model,using the Canonical valuation method and Euler approximation method to estimate the corresponding options’ price,then compared with options’ theoretical price,analysis the fitting effect of these two nonparametric estimation method.Finally,summarize the merits of these two methods and the need for further consideration.

    Keywords  option pricing   nonparametric   canonical valuation   euler approximation.

    1  引言(或绪论)… 5

    2  预备知识  6

    2.1  风险中性原理  6

    2.2  蒙特卡罗模拟基本思想 …  6

    3  主要结果  7

    3.1  模型假设  7

    3.2  正则估值法 … 7

    3.3  欧拉逼近法 …11

    4  实例 13

    4.1  对正则估值法的模拟分析 13

    4.2  对欧拉逼近法的模拟分析 15

    结论 19

    致谢 20


    1  引言(或绪论)


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