

    毕业论文关键词  资本结构  权衡理论  非对称信息理论  负债率


    Title    Research on capital structure                     



    Capital market aims at improving the capital markets, while corporate financing mainly concentrates on deeper research about company structure and reasonable financing modes. This paper studies the problem of the company's capital structure. Firstly, it states the current situation of corporate capital structure research home and abroad. In the part of Foreign Capital Structure Theory, it focuses on Trade-off Theory and Asymmetric Information Theory. At the same time, it makes a comprehensive comparison between the two theories. In the part of Domestic Capital Structure Theory, it analyzes the influencing factors about capital structure. Secondly, it introduces the concept of the company's capital structure, the nature and basic principles of capital structure research. Finally, the paper gives basic methods of financing and direction of debt ratio research. In conclusion, the innovation of this paper is that debt ratio is affected not only by the traditional factors, but also by the international economic environment and the nature of the country. Besides, the author builds a mathematical model of the trade-off theory on the basis of the MM theory model.

    Keywords  Capital structure  Trade-off theory  Asymmetric information theory  Liability ratio

    目   次

    1  引言(或绪论) 1

    1.1  问题意义 1

    1.2  文献综述 2

    1.3  文章结构 3

    1.4  创新之处 5

    2  预备知识 6

    2.1  MM理论6

    2.2  权衡理论 9

    2.3  非对称信息理论11

    2.4  企业融资的基本类型12

    3  资本结构问题的研究原理15

    3.1  资本结构的基本概念15

    3.2  资本结构问题研究的本质16

    3.3  资本结构问题研究的基本原则16

    3.4  资本结构的影响因素18

    3.5  公司的融资决策19

    4  资本结构问题的研究成果22

    4.1  股东和债权人的偏好比较22

    4.2  权衡理论和非对称信息理论比较24

    4.3  融资模式选择的新解释25

    4.4  基于MM理论模型构建的权衡理论的数学模型 26

    4.5  负债率引出的悖论29

    5  资本结构问题研究的应用31

    5.1  资本结构的调整方式31

    5.2  长期融资模式的实例31

    5.3  权衡理论模型的实例35

    结论 36

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