


    Abstract: Game theory (also known as game theory, operations research) is a phenomenon and law of competition or against the nature of the branch. In real life, there are many competitive nature phenomenon, such as the political debate, armed conflicts, corporate, labor disputes, business competition, competition both sides are trying to use scientific methods, in order to obtain the best possible results. This paper introduces the concept of game theory model and several important strategy, and according to the basic principle of mixed strategy model based on the analysis of marketing strategy on how to use quantitative and existing enterprise resources, and obtain the biggest profit in the enterprise competition.

    Keywords: on the game theory ,mixed strategy model,marketing,

    marketing strategy

    目   录

    1 前言 ………………………………………………………………… 4  

    1.1 对策论的发展及研究内容………………………………………  4  

    1.2 对策轮的研究意义 ……………………………………………… 4

    2 对策现象及其基本概念 …………………………………………… 4

    2.1 对策现象及例子…………………………………………………  4

    2.2 对策模型的三个基本要素 ……………………………………   5 

    2.3 对策的分类…………………………………………………………      6

    3 矩阵对策模型………………………………………………………  7

    4 最优纯策略…………………………………………………………9

    5 混合策略对策……………………………………………………………   10

    5.1 混合策略的概念………………………………………………………   10

    5.2 混合对策模型的线性规划解法…………………………………   11

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