


    毕业论文关键词  故障检测   观测器  线性矩阵不等式  仿真


    Title  Research on the MATLAB simulation of  fault detection observer based on model                                               


    For the moment, automatic control technology is widely used in every aspect of modern technology systems. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the automatic control systems of safety, reliability and maintainability. As a result, the problem of fault detection system is becoming more and more important, and the research on the problem of fault detection system has also drawn more and more attention and becomes one of the hottest research directions of the automatic control in the field of International.

    This paper mainly introduces the main ideas of fault detection based on the model fault detection. With the examples of linear continuous and linear discrete-time systems in finite frequency domain with bounded disturbance, we learn the design process of the observer. Then we can get the gain matrix with the linear matrix inequality toolbox and realize the MATLAB simulation of the fault detection observer.

    Keywords fault detection   observer   LMI    simulation

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题背景及意义 1

    1.2故障检测研究基本内容 1

    1.3故障检测技术国内外发展概况 2

    1.4基于模型的故障检测方法 3

    1.5主要研究工作及论文组织结构 4

    2故障检测观测器的设计 4

    2.1引言 4

    2.2连续系统的故障检测观测器 5

    2.2.1故障灵敏性条件 6

    2.2.2干扰抑制条件 7

    2.2.3稳定性条件 8

    2.2.4故障检测观测器设计 8

    2.3 离散系统的故障检测观测器 9

    2.3.1故障灵敏性条件 10

    2.3.2干扰抑制条件 11

    2.3.3稳定性条件 12

    2.3.4故障检测观测器设计 13

    2.4 故障预警阀值设计 13

    3 LMI工具箱 14

    3.1引言 14

    3.2LMI工具箱介绍与使用 15


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