




    毕业论文关键词  无套利, 等价概率测度, 最优消费, 状态价格, B-S模型, Harnack不等式, 渐近套利


    Title    The Analysis And Application Of Asymptotic Arbitrage                     



    This paper studies the characteristics problem of no-arbitrage in friction market.

    Firstly,the article summed up the necessary and sufficient conditions of no-arbitrage in (B,S) market :1)the existence of equivalent probability measure;2)the existence of optimal consumption policy; 3)the existence of positive state price vector.

    Secondly,based on the above equivalent conclusions about no-arbitrage in friction market and combined with the research on derivative securities pricing in the existing finance,this article drew a new conclusion: product pricing implies that such markets can exist no arbitrage opportunities. 

    Finally, we validated the conlusion based on related models such as the classic Black-Scholes model and  Harnack inequality.

    As a further improvement of arbitrage theory , this paper analyzed briefly the problem of asymptotic arbitrage. 

    Keywords  no arbitrage, equivalent probability measure, optimal consumption, state prices, B-S model, Harnack inequality, asymptotic arbitrage


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引入 1

    1.2 无套利的发展历史 1

    1.3 未来套利研究的展望 2

    1.4 经典的二项式模型简述 2

    1.5 文章结构 4

    1.6 本文的创新点 5

    2 预备知识 6

    2.1 几何Brown运动 7

    2.2 Ito公式及其简单应用 7

    2.3 Kolmogorov方程 8

    3 无套利特性分析 8

    3.1 无套利的等价条件 9

    3.1.1 (B,S)市场上的无套利分析 9

    3.1.2 存在最优消费时的无套利分析 10

    3.1.3 状态价格与无套利分析 11

    3.2 无套利问题的拓展 12

    3.2.1 问题的提出 12

    3.2.2 经典的B-S模型 13

    3.2.3 无套利与B-S模型的关系 16

    3.3 Harnack不等式与无套利 17

    3.3.1 基本假设

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