


    毕业论文关键词:Bayer滤波阵列  去马赛克  非局部


    Demosaicking algorithms are one of the most important technologies in digital camera products nowadays.The performance of algorithms directly affect quality of images . Therefore, researching on effective demosaicing algorithm has important application value.

    This is an article about summarizing the demosaicing algorithms of color image , and we analysis advantages and disadvantages by comparing various algorithms in the paper. The paper firstly introduces the basic knowledge of color image processing, And then the paper introduces several classical and currently popular methods. Mainly algorithms have the bilinear interpolation method, based on first order, and two order differential, the block matching method, non-local self-similar driving methods. On this basis,I improve block matching algorithm and self-similar driving demosaicing algorithm. Put forward two kinds of improved image demosaicing algorithms. To evaluate the performance of the algorithm, this paper carried out interpolation processing on multiple images,from the subjective visual effect and objective image quality evaluation index of the two algorithms are compared and analyzed. The experiment results show that the improved non-local self-similarity method is a good demosaicing algorithm.

    Keywords: Bayer CFA,DEMOSAICING,non-local


    第一章 绪论 5

    1.1研究的背景以及意义 5

    1.2去马赛克算法研究现状 7

    1.3本文的工作安排 8

    第二章 图像的预备知识 9

    2.1 彩色模型 9

    2.2 Bayer图像的视觉机理 12

    2.3 Bayer模板CFA图像模型 13

    2.4 常见的插值失真 15

    第三章 CFA插值算法介绍 16

    3.1 图像的相关性 16

    3.2 双线性插值 17

    3.3色比恒定 18

    3.4 一阶微分边缘插值 19

    3.5 二阶微分插值算法 20

    3.6 块匹配算法 22

    3.7 自相似应用颜色去马赛克 23

    第四章 改进算法 26

    4.1 改进的块匹配算法 26

    4.2 改进的Self-similarity Driven算法

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