    The Investigation Situation Of Sports Resource of Junior Middle School in YanShiShi
    Resource is the foundation of the development of human society and living, in order to make the limited resource get reasonable configurate,there esxit  the problem of resource distribution .Sports allocation of resources is the basis for the development of sports and  equitable sports resources . Reasonable configuration is the basis to realise the fairness sports,is  an important foundation of sustainable development, and the junior middle school sports has a very important role in the development of sports.In this paper, using the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview , data statistics and logical analysis, research 12 school' sports allocation of resources investigation and statistical analysis in YanShiShi city town, find out the deficiencies and problems of school physical education in the allocation of resources,analyses the common problems.Finally,the author find the solution to slove the problem,to creat a better,more standardized deucation environment in order to let the students can be in a better  and  more comprehensive development atmosphere.
    Keywords: YanShiShi; Junior High School; Resources
    目   录
    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1、研究对象和方法    2
    1.1研究对象    2
    1.2研究方法    2
    2、研究结果与分析    4
    2.1偃师市初级中学体育人力资源配置现状调查与分析    4
    2.2偃师市初级中学体育经费投入现状与分析    7
    2.3偃师市初级中学体育场馆、器材资源配置现状与分析    8
    3、结论与建议    9
    3.1结论    9
    3.2建议    10
    参考文献    11
    附件    12
    致谢    14
    偃师市初级中学体育资源配置情况调查 引言
    1. 研究对象和方法
                    表1     研究对象分布情况调查表                 
  1. 上一篇:《体育科学》文献计量分析
  2. 下一篇:社会体育指导员现状分析+文献综述
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