    摘 要: 本文以南阳市中小学武术教学现状与发展对策研究为切入点,随机抽取南阳市十五所中小学为研究对象,运用文献资料法,问卷调查法,访谈法,数据统计法,对南阳市中小学武术活动的开展状况,场地器材以及师资情况,课程开设情况,武术课的教学内容及武术教材状况等几个方面进行调查研究。研究结果显示学校对体育教学不够重视,各中小学领导、体育教师对武术教学持无所谓态度,与其它体育项目相比武术课的课时数分配相对较少等。建议:加强武术宣传力度,增加武术课课时和武术教师的培养。32823
    毕业论文关键字:南阳市. 中小学. 武术. 教学现状. 研究对策
    Nanyang martial arts teaching present situation and the development countermeasures of primary and secondary schools
    Abstract:Based on nanyang elementary and middle schools of martial arts teaching present situation and the development countermeasure research as the breakthrough point, random nanyang 15 primary and secondary schools as the research object, using the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics, the city of nanyang martial arts activities in primary and secondary schools, location equipment, as well as the teachers, the curriculum, martial arts class teaching content and the status of the martial arts teaching from several aspects such as research. The results showed that the school did not attach enough importance to the sports teaching, the leadership of primary and secondary schools, physical education teachers of martial arts teaching indifferent attitude, compared with other sports martial arts class lesson number allocation is relatively small, etc. Suggestion: to enhance the publicity on martial arts, increase when wingsley martial arts and martial arts teacher training.
    Key words: nanyang. Primary and secondary schools. The martial arts. Teaching. The research countermeasures
    目    录
    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1.研究对象与方法    2
      1.1研究对象    2
      1.2研究方法    2
    2.研究结果与分析    3
      2.1学生部分调查问卷表研究结果与分析     3
      2.2教师问卷调查结果的分析与讨论    3
    3.结论与建议    11
      3.1 结论    11
      3.2 建议    11
    参考文献    13
    附    件    14
    致    谢    15
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