    摘 要:为促进京、沪两地电子竞技的发展与普及,提高两地电子竞技的整体水平和质量,本文以京、沪两地电子竞技发展现状研究对象,通过文献资料法、对比分析法、逻辑论证法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和问卷调查法等,对京、沪两地电子竞技发展现状进行对比分析,研究结果表明:京、沪两地电子竞技参与者年龄呈现年轻化的特征,多以业余爱好者为主,上海地区电子竞技俱乐部较北京地区多,但其战队整体技术水平较北京低,引进的国外运动员与教练员较北京少。为使京、沪两地电子竞技更好的发展,应争取政府支持,出台更为积极的政策,积极引导,要充分利用传媒,加速电子竞技的社会认知度,以期为京、沪两地电子经济的稳定发展提供有意义的帮助。36957
    Comparative Analysis on Electronic Sports Development
    in Beijing and Shanghai
    Abstract: To promote the development and popularization of electronic sports in Beijing, Shanghai and to improve the overall quality and level of the two areas’ electronic sports, this paper makes the electronic sports development as the research object and uses the methods of documentary, comparative analysis, logical reasoning, expert interview, mathematical statistics and questionnaire survey, as well as making comparative analysis of electronic sports development present situation between Beijing and Shanghai. The results of the study shows that the age of electronic sports participants in Beijing and Shanghai presents the characteristics of younger, more mature. The number of electronic sports clubs in Shanghai is more than in Beijing, however, the Shanghai’s overall technical level of the team is lower than Beijing, and the number of foreign athletes and coaches that Shanghai introduced is less than in Beijing. For the better development of Beijing and Shanghai’s electronic Sports, it should strive for the support of the government and implement more active policies and active guide to make full use of the media, then to accelerate electronic sports social awareness and provide significant help for the steady development of Beijing, Shanghai’ s e-sports.   
    Key words: Beijing and Shanghai Areas; E-Sports; Comparative Analysis
     目    录

    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1 研究对象和方法    2
    1.1研究对象    2
    1.2研究方法    2
    2.结果与分析    3
    2.1京、沪两地电子竞技俱乐部数量情况的比较    3
    2.2京、沪两地电子竞技运动参与者现状的比较    3
    2.3京、沪两地电子竞技俱乐部中国外运动员和教练员的引进情况对比    5
    2.4京、沪两地电子竞技俱乐部参赛数量、比赛成绩的比较    6
    3.结论与建议    6
    3.1结论    6
    3.2建议    7
    参考文献    8
    附录    8
    致谢    8
     京、沪两地电子竞技发展比较分析  引言
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