


    Investigation and Analysis on the current situation of the middle school students'basketball movement in Luoyang -- Taking Luolong district as an example

    Abstract: Taking Luolong district as an example, this study mainly uses questionnaire, interview and literature review. In this paper, through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of basketball sports in three high schools in Luolong District, the paper draws a conclusion and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. It is believed that the basketball in boys with a wide range of interest and most of the girls on the basketball interest is not wide enough; unreasonable Basketball Classroom development, teaching content, teaching methods, leading to students in basketball awareness of self-protection is too poor, the basic movements in basketball game is not standardized, objectively affect the basketball movement development. Therefore, the school should strengthen the promotion of women's basketball, strengthen teachers, regulate the teaching of basketball, to carry out the group of interest in basketball, improve the quality of teaching, improve the basketball facilities.

    Key words: Middle school students; Basketball; basketball class;

    目    录

    摘 要 1

    引 言 1

    1 研究对象与方法 2

    1.1研究对象 2

    1.2研究方法 2

    2  结果与分析 3

    2.1洛阳市中学生篮球运动的开展现状 3

    2.2中学生参与篮球运动的动机 5

    2.3中学生在篮球运动中的自我保护 5

    2.4学校对篮球运动开展的重视度 6

    2.5制约中学生篮球运动开展的因素 8

    3 结论与建议 8

    3.1结论 8

    3.2建议 9

    参考文献 10

    附录 11

    致谢 12 


       引 言


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