

    Abstract  Objective: The purpose of this study: through the investigation and Study on physical education curriculum from the two aspects of society and their own needs, identify their needs and setting of Hangzhou normal university physical education curriculum present differences,provide a reference for Hangzhou Normal University Physical Education curriculum. Methods: the physical education of Hangzhou Normal University in the industry of PE teachers graduates, graduates of teaching practice guidance teachers, graduates and students were investigated by questionnaire; then the analysis of the survey data by mathematical statistics method; finally draws the conclusion through logical analysis. Results: the in-service teachers think that most graduates skills too single, self learning ability is poor, lack of scientific research ability, practice ability; practice guidance teachers think students comprehensive ability is poor, the need to improve the level of demonstration, the lack of classroom management, through the teaching practice teaching ability significantly improved; graduates of the employment demand of football, two track and field project demands high degree of skill, project demand is significantly higher than that of theoretical subjects; non graduates and graduates of different skills and theory, round demand has no obvious demand tendency. Conclusion: 1) set up and strengthen the scientific research of sports teaching more professional skills courses. 2) to enhance the professional skills of teaching skills, especially on skills; strengthen classroom control and related teaching; increase training speaking skill3) to strengthen the employment demand, a large amount of soccer, track and field courses.    

    毕业论文关键词:需求; 体育教育专业; 课程设置; 大学

      Keywords: Demand;Physical Education;Curriculum;Hangzhou Normal University


    摘要 3

    Abstract 3

    1前言 6

    2研究对象和方法 6

    2.1研究对象 6

    2.2研究方法 7

    2.2.1文献资料法 7

    2.2.2访谈法 7

    2.2.3问卷调查法 7

    2.2.4数理统计法 8

    2.2.5逻辑分析法 8


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