


    In this paper, literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics analysis, according to research methods of development of Normal University sports associations to investigate and analyze, and then put forward countermeasures, the results showed that: (1) sports associations representing Normal University community compared to 43%, close to half the number of girls was higher than boys (2) Normal University Sports Associations Management Group, if the Ministry through associations, community unit in charge of the student union, the Communist Youth League and schools directly involved in the management, there is a kind used Normal University Social Union, the last is managed by Sports Institute (3) Sports Community funding is an essential element of successful activities, and therefore in place to ensure adequate and manage funds, Normal University Sports Associations (4) is satisfied, Normal University Sports Associations The new year is one of the important activities of society, just after the freshman admission, there will be satisfied that the new activities of the society; factor (5) on the development of Normal University sports associations are a variety of factors that tend to be persified, including community activities and venues and facilities management imperfect, lack of physical professional instructor, teaching activities interesting enough, sports associations sports atmosphere and other factors Normal University sports associations to carry out the formation of certain constraints.

    毕业论文关键词:师范大学;体育社团; 现状与对策

    Keywords:Normal University; sports club; present situation and Countermeasures


    摘    要

    1. 研究的问题提出 4

    2. 研究对象与方法

    2.1. 研究对象

    2.2. 研究方法

    2.2.1. 文献资料法

    2.2.2.问卷调查法 5

    2.2.3. 数理分析法 5

    3. 研究结果 5

    3.1师范大学社会管理状况. 5

    3.1.1 师范大学体育社团管理政策状况 5

    3.1.2师范大学体育社团纳新及换届状况 6

    3.1.3体育社团占师范大学社团比例状况 6


    3.2  师范大学体育社团运行状况

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