
    摘  要: 进入21世纪以来,随着经济和教育的快速发展,追求健康生活,拥有全面自由发展的能力,参加体育活动保持健康的身躯是每个人都梦寐以求的。为了了解我校大学生参与体育运动动机的行为现状,能够从现状中存在的问题,分析影响大学生体育运动动机形成的因素与对运动动机的认知程度,针对相应的问题提出解决方案,提出对应的改善措施。培养学生终身体育锻炼习惯提供些许有实效性的建议。本文主要采用文献资料、问卷调查以及访谈等方法,从我校不同年级男女大学生参与体育活动率现状分析入手,研究大学生参与运动动机的分析,再以我校体育教学现状,为提高大学生运动动机意识提供理论借鉴。本文研究主要结果是加强对不同年级、性别学生体育知识的普及与宣传,完善体育教学模式,充分分析影响大学生运动动机形成的因素,培养学生运动动机的认识,建立具有代表性、广泛性的体育俱乐部。为激发我校大学生体育活动参与率,提高运动动机的意识,培养终身体育,营造丰富多彩的校园体育环境。67376


    Abstract:  Since the 21st century, with the rapid development of economy and education, the pursuit of healthy living, have the ability of comprehensive free development, sports activities keep a healthy body is everyone's dream. In order to understand college students of our school sports participation motivation behavior of the status quo, from the problems existing in the present situation, the analysis of factors affecting the formation of college students' sport motivation and cognition of sports motivation, propose solutions for the corresponding problem, put forward the corresponding improvement measures. Cultivating students' lifelong physical exercise habit trifling with effectiveness of advice. This article mainly USES the methods of literature, questionnaire and interview, from different grade rate of male and female college students to participate in sports activities in our school present situation analysis, research on college students participate in sports motivation analysis, again to our school sports teaching present situation, provide theoretical reference for improving the consciousness of college students' sport motivation. Results in this paper, we study mainly is to strengthen knowledge of different grade, gender, student sports popularization and propaganda, improve the physical education teaching mode, make full analysis of factors affecting the formation of college students' sport motivation, cultivating students' understanding of the sport motivation, set up a representative and comprehensive sports club. To stimulate the students in our school sports participation, cultivating lifelong sports, sport motivation of awareness, build rich and colorful campus sports environment.

    Key words:  College students,sports motivation,sports participation,arouse,factors

    目  录

    1 前言.3

    2 研究对象与方法.3


    2.2 研究方法3

    2.2.1 文献资料法3

    2.2.2 访谈法.3

    2.2.3 问卷调查法.4

    3  研究结果与分析4

    3.1  大学生参与体育运动动机的发展现状4

    3.1.1 体育运动动机的概念4

    3.1.2 大学生参与体育运动动机的分析5

    3.1.3 大学生对体育运动的态度6

    3.1.4 影响大学生体育运动动机形成的因素6

    3.1.5 不同年级、性别学生的体育运动动机的差异7

    3.1.6 高校体育教学对大学生参与运动动机的影响8

    3.2  大学生参与体育运动动机的发展对策8

    3.2.1 高校加强体育活动的开展与宣传8

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