


     Abstract: This article uses the literature method, questionnaire survey method, logical analysis method, data statistics method and other methods, on the part of Huaian city junior high school sports recess project, organization form, the student to recess activities, as well as the influence of the attitude of students participate in sports activities of the factors present situation investigation and analysis. Research results show that: Huaian city junior middle school sports recess activities rich in content, various forms of organization, the student participation enthusiasm is high. Students on the big break function more comprehensive knowledge, can be recognized from many aspects to the big break sports value. Teachers, parents, students are active to big break sports attitude generally, only a few people hold the negative attitude. Factors restricting the students to participate in the big break sports activities mainly include: equipment, new content and forms of organization, school leadership, teachers' attention. Therefore, Huaian city middle school sports recess activities should make rational thinking, scientific setting, improve the activity content and activities of the organization form of novelty. Teachers, parents, students should enhance the understanding degree of recess activities, all parties to work together to eliminate the influence of some negative factors. The school according to the actual situation in a reasonable and effective scheme and implement, and promote the development of school physical education, the students' physical and mental health have been effective development.

    Keywords: Huaian city junior high school; big break sports activities; investigation and analysis


    1前言 5

    2 研究对象与方法 5

    2.1 研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 5

    2.2.1文献法 5

    2.2.2问卷调查法 6

    2.2.3数据统计法 6

    2.2.4逻辑分析法 6

    3研究结果与分析 6

    3.1大课间活动项目调查分析 6

    3.2学生对大课间体育活动功能的认识 8

    3.3.教师、家长、学生对大课间体育活动的态度 8


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