

    毕业论文关键词: 羽毛球半场单打;价值;大众健身

    Abstract: The research object of this paper is half court singles badminton tournament. The general comparison method, comparing with the traditional badminton match and half court singles characteristics, combined with the literature, study on the effect of badminton in half court singles on mass fitness. The study found that, badminton singles have a lower degree of difficulty involved first half of badminton beginners, easy learning. There are to improve the training efficiency of some participants, strengthen footwork and skill training role. At the same time, half court singles have reduced damage to the body, achieve sustainable in this sport function. Half court singles, because of the narrow, on the body of the load is reduced, more conducive to help participants to select the appropriate exercise intensity for their own physical condition, achieve better health outcomes, and of the smaller venues while reduce the fitness and step requirements, but the increase of psychological test, stability and helps to improve the state of mind. Half court singles badminton as a novel in the form of badminton, badminton enthusiasts will bring more choices, so that more people to participate in the badminton this sport to more people, mutual communication opportunities. So half court singles badminton has important value in public fitness.

    Key words: Badminton Singles at Half-court,Value,public fitness

    目   录

    1 引言5

    2 研究对象与方法6

    2.1 研究对象6

    2.2 研究方法6

    2.2.1 文献资料法6

    2.2.2 逻辑分析法6

    2.2.3 对比法6

    3 结果与分析6

    3.1 羽毛球半场单打对大众健身的影响6

    4 结论11

    4.1 羽毛球半场单打对大众健身具有积极、促进的作用11

    5 参考文献13


    1  引言



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