
    摘要:随着社会的不断进步,体育改革的深入,全民健身计划不断推进,我国有氧健美操也在蓬勃发展。而我国的有氧健美操水平远远还低于国际水平,有氧健美操指导员能力很难与国际接轨,随着人们生活及审美水平的提高,人们对健身要求的更高了,如何提高有氧健美操指导员的素质成了很重要的问题。本文运用查阅文献法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析等方法, 结合参与有氧健美操指导员的指导活动及对健身中心练习者进行访问,对有氧健美操指导员的发展现状以及存在的问题进行分析,其目的是为了提高优秀有氧健美操指导员的能力,并为其提供一定的培养方法,从而促进我国健身事业的发展。65670


    Abstract: Along with the advance of society ,The sports reform deeply ,Push forward the national fitness program, Aerobic calisthenics in China are also booming. The aerobic calisthenics in China is far less than the international level, Aerobic aerobics instructor ability is hard to in line with international standards,With the improvement of people's life and aesthetic level,The people of the higher requirement for fitness,How to improve the quality of the aerobic aerobics instructor has become important issue. This paper USES the literature method, questionnaire survey method and logic analysis, To participate in the activities of the guidance of the aerobic aerobics instructor and on a visit to a fitness center practitioners, The development of aerobic aerobics instructor status and analysis of existing problems, Its purpose is to improve the ability of good aerobic aerobics instructor, And to provide some training methods, To promote the development of the fitness in China.

    Keywords: Fitness instructor,The fitness club,Aerobic fitness

    目   录

    1前   言 4

    2研究的对象与方法 4

    2.1研究对象 4

    2.2研究方法 4

    2.2.1参考文献 4

    2.2.2问卷调查法 4

    2.2.3数理统计法 4

    2.2.4专家访谈法 4

    3淮安市有氧健身指导员发展现状 4

    3.1有氧健美操指导员的性别结构分析 5

    3.2有氧健身指导员的等级情况 5

    3.3健身指导员的文化素质情况 5

    3.4有氧健身指导员的指导项目分布情况 6

    3.5 有氧健身指导员动机的多样性 6

    3.6 有氧健身指导员的市场前景 7

    3.7 有氧健身指导员的市场供求分析 7

    4结论与建议 8

    4.1结论 8

    4.2建议 8

    4.2.1建立健全管理体制机构 8

    4.2.2提高有氧健美操指导员个人魅力 8

    4.2.3加强优秀有氧健美操指导员的培养 9

    4.2.4加强有氧健身指导员组织能力的培养 9

    4.2.5注重专业知识的学习与应用 10


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