    关键词    带通滤波器  变容二极管  带宽  仿真
    Title   Design   of   Electrically   Tunable  Intermediate-frequency   Band-pass   Filter                                            
    In modern communication system,especially in the field of military,frequency changing and hopping technology has got great development.As a kind of new filter,the tunable filter has got great attention of the researchers at home and abroad.
    This paper mainly introduces the design of the electrically tunable intermediate-frequency band-pass filter achieved by the varactor.using the principle that the capacitance of the varactor changes under reverse bias voltage,we design voltage controlled varactor circuit and put it in the band-pass filter circuit.  We change the bandwidth of the band-pass filter by changing the output capacitance of the varactor ,which was controlled by the voltage.Based on the study of ADS ,we design and simulate the circuit on the software to achieve the required amplitude response curve of the filter.
    This design requires the use of the knowledge of microwave solid state circuit to design a electrically tunable intermediate-frequency band-pass filter.Its working frequency is 140MHz and bandwidth is 10MHz,which is tuable.
    Keywords  bandpass-pass filter   varactor   bandwidth   simulate
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  滤波器的研究和发展历史    1
    1.2  可调滤波器的研究背景和研究现状    2
    1.3  本文的章节安排    3
    2  带通滤波器的设计    5
    2.1  本次设计的整体思路    5
    2.2  低通滤波器的设计原理    6
    2.3  低通滤波器到带通滤波器的转化    8
    2.4  定K型带通滤波器的设计    9
    2.5  电容耦合谐振器式带通滤波器的设计    11
    2.6  本章小结    15
    3  ADS基本知识和仿真介绍    16
    3.1  ADS简介    16
    3.2  ADS的仿真步骤和要点    17
    3.3  本章小结    18
    4  变容二极管    19
    4.1  变容二极管基本特性    19
    4.2  变容二极管用途    20
    4.3  变容二极管型号选择和VC特性测试    20
    4.4  本章小结    24
    5  变容二极管实现电可调带通滤波器    25
    5.1  变容二极管电路置换耦合电容    25
    5.2  变容二极管压控电路的接入方法    25
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