
    要由于超大规模集成电路(VLSI)的不断扩展和模拟电路的进步,布图规划的用 途就显得尤为重要。超大规模集成电路正在以从来没有过的速度发展和进步。过 去的设计办法明显不能够达到形势发展趋势的要求,因此,超大规模集成电路的 计算机辅助设计必然会变成一种重要的工具。超大规模集成电路的物理设计中最 开始和最重要的两个阶段是布局 (Placement)以及布图规划(floorplanning),它的 完成质量会直接对布线工作能否顺利完成产生影响,最终将可能会影响到芯片的 性能优劣和面积大小。 69636

    本篇论文首先研究了超大规模集成电路的国内研究现状,重点在于研究超大 规模集成电路中的软模块的布局。面对具有不可二划分结构的布图规划的一般问 题,在序列对模型问题的基础上,本篇论文的解决办法是通过模拟退火算法来实 现一般结构的带软模块的布图规划问题的设计。除了芯片面积的优化外,算法还 考虑了芯片的宽长比例等问题。由于软模块是可以在一定范围内变形的,但是一 定要保持它的面积不变。为了满足可以在相对短的时间之内可以把所有的模块全 部放入指定的范围内的要求,需要建立准确合理的目标函数,使其引导算法的搜 索。所以采用了 B*-tree 的陈述法来表示一个平面布局图。根据平面布置图的几 何特征来建立数学模型。 

    该论文有图 10 幅,表 5 个,参考文献 30 篇

    毕业论文关键词: 超大规模集成电路  软模块  B*-tree   布图规划  

    The floorplanning of soft modules in very large scale integration


    Due to the very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) continues to expand with the progress of analog circuits, floorplanning is particularly important. VLSI is expanding at an unprecedented pace and progress. In the past, the design method can not meet the requirements of the development trend of the situation. Therefore, the computer aided design of VLSI will become an irreplaceable tool. VLSI physical design in the beginning and the most important stage is the layout of and floor planning, it's quality will directly affect to the wiring work can be completed successfully and could ultimately affect the chip performance quality and size.

    In this paper, we first study the domestic research status of ultra large scale integrated circuits, and focus on the research of the layout of the soft modules in VLSI. Faced with second pision structure of floor planning in general and in the  sequence to the model of the problem based on, the method of this paper is through the use of simulated annealing (SA) algorithm to realize the automatic design of  general structure with soft module of floor planning problem. Not including the optimization of the chip area, the proportion of the width of the chip and other issues have also been considered by the algorithm. Because the soft module can be deformed, but its area must remain unchanged. In order to be able to in a relatively short time can put all the modules into the specified range, the need to establish an accurate and reasonable objective function, so that the search algorithm. So using the B*-tree representation method to represent a plan (floorplanning). A mathematical model is established according to the geometric features of the plan.

    Key  words: Very  large  scale  intergration Soft  module B*-tree Floor planning

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

  1. 上一篇:无限冲激响应系统识别问题研究
  2. 下一篇:没有了
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