




    ABSTRACT Super-resolution image restoration is a method that combines multiple similar but not identical low-resolution images into a higher resolution single image. In a particular digital imaging system , using super-resolution methods can help to obtain higher quality images without up grading system hard- ware ,therefore super-resolution techniques can be applied to vast image-processing areas.

    Super-resolution techniques can be pided into two main categories : frequency domain methods and spatial domain methods. Frequency domain methods are earlier super-resolution methods , they can only deal with image sequences that only translational motions are allowed. Spatial methods use general observation models , they have better adaptability and performance. In POCS method ,projection onto convex sets theories is employed to realize super-resolution restoration ,it is intuitive in theoretical and has good reconstruction performance. POCS is one of the most promising super-resolution restoration methods.

    In the super-resolution image reconstruction,  from different sensors, at different times to obtain an image of high accuracy and fast registration isone of the key technologies. Consider the actual image registration speed and accuracy problem, apply the affine transformation, to establish the image of translation and rotation parameter model, regardless of the scaling parameters.

    Key words:super-resolution restore, projection onto convex sets ,        image registration  ,  affine transformation



    一绪论 1

      1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1

      1.2 图像超分辨率技术的应用 1

    二 图像超分辨率技术算法研究 2

      2.1 超分辨率技术的概述 2

    2.2 超分辨率技术的类型-----3

           1) 频域方法 3

            2) 空域方法 4

    2.3几种常用的图像超分辨率方法 4

    2.3.1 非均匀空间样本插值算法 4

    2.3.2 基于集合论的方法—POCS凸集投影 5

    2.3.3 迭代反投影法IBP 5

    2.3.4 最大后验概率估计法 5

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