
    摘要在新建高速铁路的过程中首先要解决的是选线设计和闭塞分区的设计。 对于既有及其以上的动车组,也有可及其以下旅客列车和及其以下的货物列 车运行的客运专线,列车控制技术复杂,完全不同于国内外现有实际情况, 闭塞分区的设计也不尽相同。布置区间通过信号机、确定列车追踪时间间隔 并检查闭塞分区长度是否与计算的制动距离相符,这些都必须建立在牵引计 算的基础上。目前国内外对于牵引计算的应用研究主要集中在列车运行的优 化方面,但在闭塞分区划分及追踪间隔时间方面的优化研究却很少。69631

    本论文的是以线路、机车、车辆及列车编组等特性数据为基础,将列车 牵引计算、列车运行分析以及闭塞设计原则等相关内容有机地结合起来,进 行闭塞分区的设计。论文主要内容包括根据既有列车牵引计算理论,分析了 货车、普通旅客列车、动车组的制动距离算法,研究、建立了各种追踪间隔 模型。针对已设计好的线路,采用列车进站提前减速方式减小追踪间隔时间。 根据信号系统布置的目标和影响因素,重点讨论了针对客货混跑的客运专 线,在考虑各种约束条件的基础上,应用粒子群算法建立了闭塞分区划分的 优化模型,并对优化模型进行了仿真研究,得到了较好的了解。最后,对全 文的研究工作进行了总结,并展望了自动闭塞分区设计中进一步还要研究的 课题。

    该论文有图 12 幅,表 7 个,参考文献 23 篇。

    毕业论文关键词: 闭塞分区 牵引计算 追踪间隔 通过能力 粒子群算法

    The Optimal Signalling Layout in Automatic Block Sections with the Differential Evolution Algorithm


    In the process of building new high-speed railway, we should firstly handle the route designing and block section design. For both EMU and above, there can be and below and below passenger trains and freight trains to run passenger line, train control technology is complex, completely different from the existing situation at home and abroad, the design does not block section to do the same.

    By signal, determines the train track intervals and check whether the block section length consistent with the calculated braking distance, which must be based on the calculation of traction. This thesis is based on lines, locomotives, vehicles and train formation characteristics such data, the train traction calculation, analysis and blocking train design principles related content organically combined, performed block section design. The main contents are based on the existing train traction calculation theory, the braking distance algorithm trucks, ordinary passenger train, EMU, research, established various tracking interval models. Has been designed for the line, the train stops in advance using the deceleration mode minimizes tracking interval.  taking into account various constraints based on particle swarm   algorithm for establishing a closed district level optimization model and optimization model simulation studies to obtain a better understanding. Finally, the work of this dissertation is summarized, and the prospect of automatic block partition the design also further study.

    Key  Words:  Block section Traction calculation Headway capacity Particle swarm algorithm


    Abstract II

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