
    摘要无线传感网络是一种新兴网络项目,其飞速进步提高了人们取得自然信息的 能力,使人类社会更加便利。并且它将物理信息资料的采集与无线网络的传输相 结合在一起,有着十分卓越的应用前景。无线传感网络的节点定位的能力同样是 其运用和研究的根本。现在已经研究出不同种类的定位技术,尤其是集较低功耗、 较低成本、容易实现等优点于一身的基于接收信号的强度的定位技术。69630

    本文研究基于 Arduino 的无线传感网络的定位技术,即通过无线网络获取物 体的准确位置,实现定位功能。论文首先介绍无线传感网络的研究背景和现状, 其次阐述无线传感网络的定位技术,接着介绍 RSSI 的测距原理,然后针对 RSSI 的定位模型进行探讨学习,根据室内环境,建立对应的 RSSI 定位模型,结合系 统要实现的功能,进行硬件和软件设计,最后利用 Arduino 平台验证 RSSI 定位 模型,测试结果验证了本课题设计方案是可行的。

    该论文有图 24 幅,表 4 个,参考文献 33 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:无线传感网络 节点 定位系统 RSSI Arduino

    The Design of Wireless Sensor Network Localization System Based on Arduino


    Wireless sensor network is a new network project, whose rapid progress improves the ability of people to obtain natural information, which makes the human society more convenient. And it combines the collection of physical information data and the transmission of wireless network, and has a very excellent application prospects. The capability of node localization in wireless sensor networks is also the fundamental of its application and research. Different kinds of positioning technologies have been studied, especially for low power consumption, low cost, easy to realize and so on.

    In this paper, we study the localization technology of wireless sensor network based on Arduino, that is to obtain the accurate location of the object through the wireless network, and realize the positioning function. Firstly, the research background and current research status of wireless sensor network, secondly elaborated the localization technology of wireless sensor networks, then introduces RSSI ranging principle, then according to the RSSI localization model study, according to the indoor environment, the establishment of corresponding RSSI localization model, system to achieve the function, hardware and software design, at last, using the Arduino platform verify RSSI positioning model. The test results show that the design scheme of this topic is feasible.

    Key Words: wireless sensor network node localization system RSSI Arduino

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 III

    表清单 IV

    变量注释表 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 发展历史 2

    1.3 论文的主要工作 5

    1.4 本章小结 6

    2 无线传感器网络的定位技术 7

    2.1 无线传感器网络的结构 7

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