
    摘要现如今,Internet 技术、通信技术和多媒体技术的迅猛发展,在信息化的时代下, 多媒体通信既给我们带来了方便,也带来了安全隐患:信息窃听、数据编篡、信息修 改、病毒攻击等。有些人把私人的图像信息放在网上牟取利益,侵犯了他人的权利, 因为信息安全尤为重要,所以解决图像加密的问题迫在眉睫。国际上准备采用一种新 兴的方式加密图像,其中,基于混沌的图像加密技术崭露头角。69590

    首先,论文根据查阅的文献资料阐述了混沌图像加密的研究历史和现状,然后, 简单阐述了加密通信系统和混沌基础知识,并对比研究了几个典型的混沌吸引子: Logistic 映射、Henon 映射、Lorenz 系统以及 Cat 映射。在混沌吸引子的基础之上介 绍了混沌序列的特征,重点研究了基于混沌的图像加密通信系统。最后,用 Matlab2012 做了基于混沌的图像加密实验,并对它进行了密钥空间分析与统计特性分析,实验证 明了基于混沌的图像加密通信系统有很好的加密效果。

    该论文有图 18 幅,参考文献 30 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:信息安全 混沌序列 图像加密 混沌吸引子

    Research on the Application of Image Encryption Communication System based on Chaos

    Abstract Nowadays, the rapid development of Internet technology, communication technology and multimedia technology, in the era of information technology, multimedia communication both give us brings convenience to bring security risks: information eavesdropping, data encoding and usurped the throne, information modification and virus attacks. Some people put the personal image information placed on the Internet to reap benefits, violating the rights of others, because the information security is very  important, so to solve the problem of image encryption is imminent. International plan to adopt a new way of image encryption, which, based on chaotic system of the digital image encryption technology to emerge.

    First of all, the paper according to literature review describes the  research  history and status quo of chaotic image encryption, then, this paper briefly expounds the encrypted communication system and basic knowledge of chaos, compared and studied several typical chaotic attractor: Logistic map, Henon map and Lorenz systems and cat map. On the basis of the characteristics of chaotic sequence, the image encryption communication system based on chaos is studied. Finally, using Matlab2012 to do the experiment of image encryption based on chaos, and the key space analysis and statistical characteristics analysis, it is proved that the algorithm has a very good encryption effect.

    There are 18 figures and 30 references in this paper.

    Key words : Information safety Chaotic sequence Image encryption Chaotic attractor


    Abstract II


    图清单 V

    变量注释表 V

    1 绪 论 1

    1.1 研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 发展历史 2

    1.3 本文的主要工作 4


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