
    摘要GPS 技术于上世纪 90 年代投入运营,因其优良的性能在航海、航空、大地测 量乃至人们的日常生活中得到了广泛的应用。但由于美国采取了 SA 以及 AS 政策, 大大降低了 GPS 的精度。为突破口美国的政策限制,差分 GPS 技术应运而生。本 文围绕几种高精度差分 GPS 技术展开。68530

    本设计首先利用自行研制的 GPS 接收机进行 GPS 单点静态定位。并在此基础 上通过对 24 颗 GPS 工作卫星的运行轨道、基准站接收机的伪距、用户接收机的 伪距、可视卫星的选择、伪距差分校正值等的仿真模拟运算,进行了伪距差分 GPS 的算法仿真。其次利用实验室现有的一台 XW-ETS1061 型号的 GPS 载波相位差分 接收机在同一地点进行了 GPS 定位。最后将三种结果在同一坐标系下进行了对比。 研究发现伪距差分 GPS 技术可以提高单点定位的精度;载波差分技术由于其观测 码为波长较小的载波,精度更高。

    GPS 接收机的硬件电路由 msp430g2553 单片机电路、串口通信电路、LEA-6T GPS 模块电路等部分组成。软件由 C 语言编写,实现了对 GPS 信号的采集与处理。 PC 机与单片机利用 RS232 进行通信。

    毕业论文关键词 伪距差分技术 载波相位差分技术 GPS 接收机 单片机

    Title Research on high-precision differential GPS technology




    1990s GPS technology put into operation, since its superior performance in marine, aviation, and people's daily life it has been widely used. But the United States has taken AS and SA policy, artificially reducing the accuracy of GPS. Differential GPS technology came into being. First, using self-developed GPS receivers do single-point static positioning. And then simulate orbit of 24 GPS satellites, the pseudo-range of receiver, select visual satellite campuses carried out pseudo-range differential GPS algorithm simulation. Second, using a XW-ETS1061 model GPS carrier phase receiver do the carrier phase differential GPS positioning at the same location. Finally, all of these were compared in the same coordinate system. The study found pseudo-range differential GPS technology can improve the accuracy of single point positioning. Differential Carrier technology works better because its smaller wavelength observations yards carrier. GPS receiver hardware circuit is comprised by msp430g2553 circuit, serial communication circuit, LEA-6T GPS modules circuit , etc. Software written by the C language to realize the acquisition and processing of GPS signal data .PC communicates with MCU via RS232.




    Keywords Pseudorange differential technique carrier phase GPS GPS receiver MCU


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本文工作安排 2

    2 GPS 定位系统的基本原理 2

    2.1 全球定位系统概述 2

    2.1.1WGS-84 大地坐标系 3

    2.1.2GPS 时间系统 3

    2.1.3GPS 基本工作原理 4

    2.2GPS 定位的基本原理

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