


    Abstract:Signal generator is an essential equipment in the electronic laboratory. Current standard products are widely used in all kinds of colleges and universities’ laboratories.  Standard products have many good features which contain complete function, excellent performance and so on but for the expensive price. This essay designs a function signal generator which is low cost, high-precision, multi-function and continuous and adjustable output frequency. They can be generalized in the laboratory. This signal generator contains manostat module, MCU controller module, keyboard module, LED display module, the signal producing module(MAX038), power amplification module, buffer module and frequency piding module.  MAX038 signal chips can create frequency including sine wave, triangular wave and square wave under the control of single chips and adjust its range and stability through power amplifier circuit. Finally  it can  be displayed by a display circuit.

    Key words:Signal Generator; SCM; MAX038; 


    1 绪论 6

    1.1 选题背景 6

    1.2设计的要求 7

    1.3设计的指标 7

    2 系统总体方案设计 7

    2.1 系统原理概述 7

    2.2 总体设计方案 7

    3 系统硬件设计 8

    3.1 单片机介绍及外围电路 8

    3.1.1时钟电路 9

    3.1.2RC复位电路 10

    3.2 信号产生模块 10

    3.2.1芯片内部原理 10

    3.2.2信号类型选择设置 11

    3.2.3 频段设计 11

    3.2.4频段调节设计 12

    3.2.5频率、幅值、占空比设计分析 13

    3.2.7单片机与Max038接口设计 15

    3.3 稳压电源电路 17

    3.4 键盘接口设计 17

    3.5 功率放大电路 18

    3.6 LED显示电路设计 19

    3.7 功率放大输出信号的整形处理 20

    3.8 整形电路输出的分频处理 20

    4 系统程序设计 21

    4.1 主程序流程图 21

    4.2 频率测量流程图 21

    4.3 占空比测量流程图

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