    摘要:干线牵引电机车是铁路运输货物的重要工具。早期的牵引机车多采用直流电气驱动,但是直流电机由于文护费用较高,采用交流电机驱动成为发展的趋势。 在干线电机车牵引系统中,为了节约成本,往往采用双电机驱动控制系统。对于所有电传动系统,最基本的任务就是通过机电能量转换,达到传动装置调速的目的。在异步电机的矢量控制中,实现机电能量转换的主体是电机,因此,电传动系统是通过采用电机控制方法,实现变流装置能量变化的有序控制。但对于牵引传动一类的系统,要求在负载或供电电压波动时具有快速响应的动态性能和保持精确的稳态运行能力,必须采用反馈闭环控制。迄今,在电力牵引交流传动电力机车和高速动车组上,只采用异步牵引电动机控制方法,为的是有更好的传动及动静态性能。21976
    The drive control method for Traction car trunk
    Abstract:Route traction motor car is an important tool for railway transport of goods.。Early locomotives use more DC motor drive, but higher maintenance costs due to the DC motor, AC motor drive to become the development trend。In the trunk motor vehicle traction system, in order to save costs,often using dual-motor drive control system。For all electric drive system, the basic task is through the electromechanical energy conversion, transmission speed to achieve the purpose。In the vector control induction motor, the realization of the main body of electromechanical energy conversion motor, therefore, electric motor drive system is controlled through the use of methods to achieve the orderly control of the energy converter device changes。But for a class of traction drive system, requires a rapid response to dynamic performance and the ability to maintain accurate steady-state operation at the load or supply voltage fluctuation, it must adopt a closed-loop feedback control。So far, the AC drive electric locomotive electric traction and high-speed EMU, using only asynchronous traction motor control methods, in order to have a better transmission and static and dynamic performance.
    Keyword:Vector control;Draw;Coordinate transformation
    目 录                          
    1 课题概述    1
    1.1课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    1
    1.4 课题基本内容    1
    1.5 电力牵引交流传动系统    2
    2 坐标变换    3
    2.1矢量坐标变换原理和变换矩阵    3
    2.2 坐标变换的性质及约束条件    3
    2.2.1坐标变换的基本思路    3
    2.3三相-两相变换(3/2变换)    4
    2.4 Clarke变换矩阵    5
    2.4.1 Clarke变换的MATLAB实现    6
    2.5 三相-两相变换(3s/2r变换)    8
    2.5.1 3s/2r变换矩阵    8
    2.5.2  3s/2r变换的MATLAB实现    8
    2.6 两相-两相旋转变化(2s/2r)    10
    2.6.1 Park变换的MATLAB实现    11
    3 空间矢量控制    14
    3.1空间矢量的定义    14
    3.2矢量控制介绍    14
    3.2 矢量控制的基本方程    15
    3.3 电压与空间矢量的关系    16
    3.4  SVPWM的定义    17
    3.4.1 SVPWM法则推导    17
    3.4.2 SVPWM的实现    18
    4  交流调速系统    20
    4.1变频器调速运行的节能原理    20
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