


    毕业论文关键词  数字下变频 ,  数控振荡器  , 抽取滤波器   ,半带滤波器  


    Title    Design of L Band Radio Frequency VCO                    



    Software radio technology , a wireless communication ,whose traditional " pure hardware circuitry " is controlled and manipulated by a modern software . Digital down conversion plays a important role in software radio digital front-end . It is the conversion to the baseband frequency signal , makes the signal processing device able to real-time processing .

    The mainly works can be included as follows. First , we introduce the research status of software radio technology and the basic theory of digital down-conversion technology. Then , we use a top-down design methodology module ,whose functions are pided into several basic modules during the completion of the digital down-converter FPGA implementation . Afterwords , we discusse on the principle and implementation method of the Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO), integrator comb filter (CIC), the half -band filter (HB) and a FIR filter used in the digital down -conversion process , set up a mathematical model , and provid a Matlab simulation results of these devices . Finally , we give the method to the FPGA implementation on the basis of this simulation .

    Keywords  Digital Down Convert;  NCO ;CIC ; HB   

    目   次

    目   次 4

    1 绪论 1

    1.1数字下变频(DDC)理论 1

    1.2 数字下变频器的FPGA实现 1

    1.3本论文的主要工作 2

    2 数字下变频器基本理论与结构 3

    2.1 数字下变频器基本理论 3

    2.1.1 数字下变频器的结构 3

    2.1.2 影响数字下变频器性能的主要因素 3

    2.2 本地振荡器 4

    2.2.1 本地振荡器原理 4

    2.2.2 本地振荡器的实现方法 4

    2.3积分梳状抽取(CIC)滤波器 6

    2.3.1 抽取的原理 6

    2.3.2 CIC滤波器设计 7

    2.4 半带(HB)滤波器的设计 9

    2.5 FIR滤波器的设计

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