    摘要:世界各国基于嵌入式计算机控制技术,列车局域网技术以及现场总线技术的快速发展,相继成功研制了各种列车通信网络。1988年,国际电工委员会第九技术会员会的WG22工作组,为铁路设备的数据通信制定了一项标准,即TCN,我国于2002年颁布的铁道部标准中也将其正式确认为列车通信网络标准。TCN(Train Communication Network)由绞线式列车总线(WTB)与多功能车辆总线(MVB)组成。MVB总线的作用是连接车辆内的各个可编程设备,而连接列车的各个车辆的任务则由WTB总线完成。MVB之所以能成为下一代车辆的通讯总线标准,并且适合用做车辆总线的原因是MVB属于快速的过程控制优化的总线。24265
    毕业论文关键词: 列车通信网络; MVB通信网络;仿真
    Research and Design of MVB Communication Network in Railway Vehicles
    Abstract:The development for train local area network, fieldbus technology and embedded computer technology is quickly. So many countries have developed all kinds of train communication networks. In 1988, the International Electrician Technical Committee (IEC) technical committee (TC9) 22nd work team (WG22) has formulated train communication network international standard, namely the TCN standard. In 2002, the standard promulgated by the Ministry of Railways also officially recognized it as the train communication network standard. TCN (Train Communication Network) is consisted of two-level networks including wired train bus (WTB) and multifunction vehicle bus (MVB). The role of MVB is to connect the programmable device in each vehicle, and WTB is to connect each vehicle train. MVB has become a standard communication bus for next generation vehicles because the MVB is the bus rapid process control optimization, applicable to vehicle bus.
    At the beginning of this dissertation, the development、application and background for TCN are introduced in one section. Then, in order to better understanding and analysis the TCN, The mainstreams of train communication network at home and abroad, such as LonWorks, WorldFIP, CAN are compared and analyzed at the technical level. The third section research and analyze the second level of train communication network——MVB, focusing on analysis of MVB communication network structure, network data, medium access and network layers (including the physical layer and data link layer); in addition, further elaborate the MVB communication network interface equipment classification, port and network controller. The fourth and fifth section mainly aims at the simulation part. Fourth for the use of the simulation platform ——Simulink and Stateflow, the fifth section describes the model construction and waveform analysis.
    The simulation is completed in the Matlab environment, using modular method of formal model of MVB communication network, make the MVB communication process more clear, and make the network more easily understood. Not only the communication bus system simulation is presented to build simulation model of dynamic, but also provides a broad prospect for the further research of fieldbus control system performance.
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