    关键词  医疗镊子  传感器  单片机  信号调理
    Title        Design of Medical Forcep Elasticity Test Device     
    With social progress and economic and social development, people are fine level of medical devices have become increasingly demanding, the emergence of high-precision sensors to measure the parameters of the instrument of modern medicine good technical support, the use of high-precision sensors and high-performance MCU Modern medical equipment can accurately measure the parameters of the device is designed not only for the medical field is very important, also contributed to the study of the scope of signal processing technology, micro-controller technology, micro-sensor technology has an important role for people's health living progress and the progress of human society, modern technology has made tremendous contributions. Medical forceps as a medical device in the most typical, the most basic, the most common instrument, its elasticity accurate measurement for the medical field is necessary.
    This paper discusses the hardware and software design of medical forcep elasticity test device.
    Medical forcep elasticity test device including the weighing sensor circuit modules, power modules, signal conditioning circuit amplification module, microcontroller module, LCD display module, complete action on weak pressure sensor detected signal conditioning, analog-digital conversion, calculated pressure values, and display.
    Keywords  medical forceps  sensors  microcontroller  signal conditioning
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    2  医疗镊子弹力测定装置总体设计  4
    2.1  医疗镊子弹力测定装置总体设计  4
    2.2  本章小结 4
    3  医疗镊子弹力测定装置硬件设计  5
    3.1  电源模块  5
    3.2  传感电路模块  6
    3.3  信号调理电路模块  7
    3.4  单片机核心电路模块  8
    3.5  LCD显示模块  10
    3.6  本章小结  11
    4  医疗镊子弹力测定装置软件设计与测试校正 12
    4.1  医疗镊子弹力测定装置软件设计 12
    4.2  医疗镊子弹力测定装置测试结果及系统误差校正 15
    4.3  本章总结  17
    5  总结与展望 18
    5.1  总结 18
    5.2  展望 18
    结论  19
    致谢  20
    参考文献 21
    附录A  医疗镊子弹力测定装置硬件电路原理图 22
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义
    微控制单元,英文Microcontroller Unit,简称MCU。又称为单片微型计算机,英文Single Chip Microcomputer,简称单片机,是把中央处理器即CPU的频率与规格做适当缩减,并将内存、数模模数转换、UART、计数器、USB等接口,甚至LCD的驱动电路全部整合在单一芯片上,形成芯片级的计算机,实现为不同的环境做出不同组合的控制或操作。
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