    关键词:消色差波片  四分之一波片  相位延迟  增透膜系
    Title  The design of achromatic quarter-wave plates for the near infrared
    The main performance of the optical wave plate is changing the polarization state of incident wave, but heavily depend on the wavelength. Achromatic phase retarders weakened the delay accuracy of wavelength dependence to some extent, so it can be applied in many fields with special requirements on the spectral ranges, like  laser modulation and optical communication. This paper mainly expounds the basic principle and structure design of the achromatic quarter-wave plates in infrared band from 800nm to 1100nm.On the basis of crystal Birefringence and the principle of composite plate, establish of composite achromatic wave plate model by vector decomposition, and design the quarter-wave plate with composite structure for example, including binary structure, the ternary structure. Design the wave plate by matlab simulation, and the results showed that two kinds of achromatic wave plate all can meet the design requirements of phase retardation in working band
    In addition, a stricter of the antireflective film for the working band is also designed.
    Keywords: achromatic wave plate  quarter-wave plates  phase delay  antireflective film
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究目的与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  课题研究主要问题    2
    2  波片理论模型    3
    2.1  光在晶体中的传播特性    3
    2.2  波片原理    3
    2.3  光学晶体材料    3
    3.1  不同材料复合波片    6
    3.2  相同材料复合波片    7
    3.3  其他形式消色差波片    9
    4  设计过程及分析    11
    4.1 相同材料二元设计    11
    4.3  相同材料三元设计    13
    5  膜系设计    15
    5.1  薄膜光学与薄膜技术    15
    5.2  减反射膜设计    15
    结  论    17
    致    谢    18
    参考文献    19
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究目的与意义
    相位延迟器在现代物理光学中有着最为广泛的应用。原理很简单,进入其中的任一束光都将被分解成两束,其中一束与光轴平行,另一束与光轴垂直。并且两束出射光之间存在特定的相位延迟[1]。近年来激光技术发展迅速,对高精度相位延迟器的需求也越来越大 [2]。普通光相位延迟器一般由自然界存在的双折射率材料制成,对各种晶体其双折射率都是关于波长的函数,一般随波长增加而减小。以至在单色情况下,波片对某一特定波长延迟效果很好,但是这种单色光波片对别的波长就会产生误差,甚至完全不能使用[3]。所以入射光的光谱范围较大时消色差就显得尤为重要。它极大地削弱了相位延迟精度对波长的依赖,因此在激光调谐、激光器的制造[4]等领域都有着广阔的应用前景[5]。
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