



    毕业论文关键词  红外探测技术   多元红外探技术   红外目标方位探测


    Title      detecting the azimuth of short-distance infrared target                    


    With the development of infrared technology, laser technology and millimeter wave technology, more and more researches on the relevant ntautomatic target detection technology are conducted.Infrared equipment have very good hidden nature, the ability of anti-interference is very strong, effect of distance can be so long, search rate is fast, and without any mirror echo, can work day and night, these features make it more and more useful in military and civilian areas.

    Infrared detection technology is important means of detecting the azimuth of short-distance infrared target, its performance directly affect the accuracy of the results of target detection. With the rapid development of infrared interference technologies, infrared detection technology now faces great challenge. Along with anti-interference, moving target detection and tracking technology of infrared detector enhanced, infrared sensor has been developed from one,two and so on to multi-detector. Multi-detector infrared detection technology is one of the development tends of detecting the azimuth of short-distance infrared target.

    This paper firstly introduces the research background and development trend of short-distance infrared detection. After the basic understanding of infrared detector structure and infrared image processing system, I will realize the target azimuth detection by software. Then after image preprocessing, the algorithm to measure the target coordinates will be conducted to calculate the azimuth angle and pitching angle. Finally, the results will be analysed.

    Keywords   Infrared detection technology   Multi-detector infrared detection

                detecting the azimuth of short-distance infrared target

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  近距离红外目标方位探测研究背景 2

    1.2  红外探测技术的发展 2

    1.3  本文主要研究工作及内容安排 3

    2  红外探测技术原理及探测方法 4

    2.1  红外探测的系统结构 5

    2.2  红外探测技术原理

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