    关键词  房车  智能控制器  驱动模块
    Title    High power drive module software design  of vehicle intelligent controller               
    RV, commercial vehicles and other recreational vehicle, usually have a lot of space, it contains a lot of home Appliances and kitchen appliances, in the past, it is very cumbersome and independent to control these devices, so our team designed a vehicle intelligent controller, in C language environment, using KeilμVision5 programming and the sophisticated chip technology, network communication technology and other means, connecting air conditioner and other electrical appliances, lighting equipments, water tanks, toilets and other equipment to  control boxes, using the LIN bus for communication. you can operating the button on the LCD touch screen (or mobile app) to control corresponding vehicle equipments, to test the battery voltage, ambient temperature, water level information, inverter status and so on, to get car status information at the first time, Simulate the function of infrared remote controller and to control car audio-visual equipment. it has brought great convenience for transport and travel and saved valuable time and energy. In this paper, the software was designed to drive automotive intelligent power controller module.
    Keywords  RV  Intelligent controller  Drive module
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外发展现状    1
    1.3  研究的主要内容    2
    2  整体架构    3
    2.1  系统架构    3
    2.2  驱动模块架构    4
    2.3  开发环境    4
    3  LIN(Local Interconnect Network)    6
    3.1  LIN 子网(Cluster)与节点(Node)    6
    3.2  LIN 的特点    8
    3.3  LIN 协议层    8
    4  驱动模块详细设计    11
    4.1  系统初始化    12
    4.2  对全局变量初始化    14
    4.3  检测驱动盒ID    15
    4.4  While语句    17
    5  数据的处理    18
    5.1  接收中断处理    18
    5.2  校验和函数    21
    5.3  处理接收到的主节点数据    22
    结  论    26
    致  谢    27
    1  引言
    房车既是“房”又是“车”,也称旅居车,简称“RV”,英文全称Recreational Vehicle,也翻译为Motorhome或Trailer,是一种可行驶的,具有生活必备的基础设施的车种。它可以在远离城市的地方随意停靠,如:湖岸、草地、森林、山坡、沙滩等,同时又拥有播放电影、听音乐、看电视等等功能。人们可以躺在柔软舒服的床上、洗个舒舒服服的热水澡、做一顿合自己口的饭菜等等,如同生活在家中一样,享受这样的城市生活方式。车载智能控制器是针对广大房车、商务车改装企业推出的新一代集中式系统,集控制模块和驱动模块为一体,极大的减少了车辆改装的工作量。用户可通过触摸液晶屏或无线智能终端对车辆的各类电器设备进行控制,同时可以准确显示车辆电瓶、温度、水位等实时信息,享受高科技带来的优质生活。
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