

    FPGA作为高速大容量低功耗的数字器件,可用于控制直流电机,并且可以提高系统的调速精度和控制能力。本文探讨了光电传感器的功能、应用领域,FPGA的特性背景及应用现状、前景,介绍了ACTEL公司的FLASH FPGA优势。并以ACTEL公司的FLASH FPGA为核心,深入研究了设计系统中所需要的硬件模块,设计并搭建与FLASH FPGA接口的光电传感及电机控制电路,使用Verilog硬件语言在Actel公司推出的Libero IDE平台上进行设计,设计出一种光电传感控制器的方案。通过FLASH FPGA进行电压监控,门驱动功能,完成FPGA对传感信号的采集、处理以及电机控制程序,并给出实际调试的结果。

    毕业论文关键词  光电传感器  FLASH FPGA 电机控制 硬件描述语言


    Title      Controller design of the photoelectric sensor based on Flash FPGA                                                



    Sensor technology is the main content of modern information technology is one of access to information and control system an important part of the overall system greatly influence the function of the sensor technology is widely used in industrial fields as well as basic science studies, many countries have sensors technology research in national research strategy important position. Photoelectric sensor has a non-contact , fast response and reliable performance characteristics,and can measure many parameters,the structure is simple,flexible and perse forms, therefore,with the development and popularization of photovoltaic technology , photoelectric sensors to detect and control applications will be very extensive.

    FPGA as high-speed large -capacity low-power digital devices , can be used to control the DC motor ,and can improve system speed precision and control. This paper discusses the function of photoelectric sensors , applications , FPGA features and application of the background , foreground, introduces ACTEL company FLASH FPGA advantage. And FLASH FPGA as the core, in-depth study of the design of the system required hardware modules , designed and built with FLASH FPGA interface photoelectric sensor and motor control circuits , using Verilog hardware description language in Actel 's Libero IDE platform launched on the design, the design of a photoelectric sensor controller solution. By FLASH FPGA for voltage monitoring,gate drive functions , complete the FPGA of the sensing signal acquisition, processing and motor control procedures,and gives practical debugging results.

    Keywords  photoelectric sensor  Flash FPGA  Motor Control  hardware description language

    目   次

    1   引言(或绪论) 1

    1.1  课题研究背景以意义 2

    1.2  主要工作 3

    2  系统核心硬件平台flash FPGA研究 4

    2.1  电源模块 5

    2.2  LED模块 6

    2.3  时钟模块 7

    2.4  电压电流温度检测模块 8

    2.5  MOS管驱动及门驱动 8

    3  光电传感电路设计 9

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