


    毕业论文关键词  室内可见光通信  光无线通信  白光LED  光发射电路  光接收电路


    Title The visible light communication system based on white LED

    Abstract Visible light communication technology is one kind of emerging wireless optical communication technology, with the invention and application of white LED, visible light communication technology obtained the good development. White LED can provide indoor lighting not only, and can be applied to meet the demand of indoor personal networks in wireless optical communication system. Thesis mainly based on visible white LED indoor optical communication system is studied.

    Paper first analyses the light source, choose the white LED light source as a system; Then, introduces the composition of white LED lighting source communication system structure, and gives a LED light indoor layout method, the simulation results show that the method can well solve the visible light communication system of indoor LED light of the optimal layout problem. This paper introduces a kind of based on orthogonal frequency pision multiplexing (OFDM) modulation and demodulation scheme, used in the highway communication inter symbol interference caused by multipath effect. The whole system adopt the direct link form and light intensity modulation direct detection technology, can realize high speed modulation of white LED, and used to receive optical signals are designed optical receiving circuit and signal demodulation, completed the white LED visible light communication transceiver system, and the main circuit are simulated, the simulation results show that the circuit is feasible.

    Keywords  indoor visible light optical, wireless communication  white LED light, optical emitting circuit, optical receiving circuit

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  国内外现状 2

    1.3  论文主要内容 3

    2  可见光通信系统简介 4

    2.1  可见光通信的工作原理 4

    2.2  可见光通信系统的基本构成框图 4

    2.3  可见光通信的关键技术 5

    2.4  无线通信和有线通信的比较 6

    3  可见光通信系统各部分组成的研究 6

    3.1  光源的选择

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