    摘 要CSP技术是近几年电子方面研究的新的封装技术,随着科技的快速发展,对电子方面的封装要求也越来越严格,CSP凭借其封装密度高,性能好,体积小,重量轻,与表面安装技术兼容等特点收到很多企业的青睐,因此它的发展速度非常的快,如今已经成为集成电路重要的封装技术之一。
    毕业论文关键词:CSP 有限元分析 可靠性 焊点
    The CSP technology is electronic aspects in recent years, research of new packaging technology, with the rapid development of science and technology, of electronic packaging requirements are more stringent, CSP by virtue of its high package density, good performance, small volume, light weight, compatibility with surface mount technology etc. characteristics received a lot of enterprises of all ages, so its development speed is very fast, has now become one of the integrated circuit packaging technology.
    The structure of the electronic components of CSP is optimized in this paper. In the research of CSP technology at home and abroad, the research on the topic of the thesis is started.. The reliability of solder joints in electronic packaging has long been concerned by us.. Because the geometry of the solder joints in the package structure is small, it is difficult to use the general method to track the stress and strain of the solder joints during thermal cycling.. The finite element analysis method can and give full play to its advantages, to complex loading environment in the solder joint stress, strain distribution and its variation process were described in detail. In the evaluation of the reliability of solder joints play an important role.
    In this paper, the thermal fatigue life of multi CSP package is studied by the material properties and the geometrical structure, and the combination of the optimum factor is designed to improve the thermal fatigue reliability.. The stress strain of solder joints during temperature cycling was established by 3D finite element analysis. The results of the optimal factor combination design were verified by finite element analysis.
    Key words: Finite Element Analysis  CSP Package  reliability  solder joints
    目    录

    第一章 绪论    2
    1.1课题的背景及意义    2
    1.2 CSP概述与特点    2
      1.2.1 CSP概述    2
      1.2.2CSP的特点    3
    1.3 研究现状    4
    1.4 本文研究内容    5
    第二章 可靠性热设计方法和工具的研究    6
    2.1 电子封装的可靠性    6
    2.2影响构件疲劳寿命的因素    6
    2.3电子元器件可靠性的研究方法    8
    第三章  有限元分析技术    9
    3.1 有限元的基本思想    9
    3.2 有限元法的特点    9
    3.3 有限元建模方法与步骤    11
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