


    毕业论文关键词:  EDA,VHDL语言,电路设计,CPLD,电子琴

    Abstract: With the development of electronic technology, Electronic product replacement more and more frequently.we can realize the basic function of the. electronic organ by using simulation.This can not only save the cost but also can let us learn more knowledge.

      This design of electronic organis is based on the EDA, the system based on the principle of clock pider, we can achieve the program by using the top-down design method, we can control the tone by key input. The system is composed of three parts, They are respectively the music playing module, the tone generating module and the numerical control piding module.. The core hardware of the design is the CPLD minimum system.Connect a peripheral circuit to the hardware part of the simple keyboard. The core content of the keyboard is the frequency pider, there are two frequency pider, the one is the fundamental frequency pision counter, the other one is the chromatic frequency counter. We can ues the VHDL language to design the program , and then simulation, and thus achieve the basic functions of the simple keyboard.

    Keywords:  EDA, VHDL, circuit design,CPLD, electronic organ

    目  录

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  选题的背景 4

    1.2  研究电子琴的目标和意义 4

    2  系统方案设计 5

    2.1  系统的设计思路 5

    2.2  简易电子琴的工作流程 6

    2.3  系统设计的关键技术描述 7

    2.4  简易电子琴的设计方案 7

    3 系统硬件设计 8

    3.1  CPLD最小系统简介 8

    3.2  外围电路 11

    3.3  芯片介绍 12

    4 系统软件设计 14

    4.1  分频器的简介 14

    4.2  计数器 14

    4.3  自顶向下电子琴设计主要模块的概叙 17

    4.3.1  自动/手动演奏选择模块 17

    4.3.2  基频分频模块 18

    4.3.3  音阶分频发声显示模块 19

    4.3.4  顶层设计模块 19

    5  系统测试 21

    5.1  测试需要的工具 21

    5.2  系统测试方法

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