    摘要随着Internet和通信技术的发展,人们对通信的无线化以及新兴技术需求越来越迫切,同时高速率和高质量的无线技术受到越来越多的人的青睐,各种电子设备与因特网之间通信的未来趋势也正朝着无线和短距离发展,因此无线传输技术已成为未来富有竞争力的技术之一,而要保证无线通信的通信能力和服务质量,就需要研究该无线系统的信道性能的好坏。    本文通过介绍超宽带UWB以及它的几个信道建模模型,即泊松模型,修正后的泊松模型,Rayleigh信道模,S-V室内信道模型,修正后的S-V室内信道模型和 模型,并对其进行分析,通过MATLAB中的simulink进行一定条件下的仿真获得信道的特征参数,仿真结果表明,这些模型与实测的UWB系统信道的特征参数相接近,说明这些模型具有代表性。38518
    毕业论文关键词:超宽带UWB   信道模型  Rayleigh信道模型  
    With the development of Internet and communication technology, people's communication is the more and more new technology need. The more urgent, while the high-speed rate and the high quality of the wireless technology are more and more people of all kinds of electronic.The future trend of the communication between the equipment and the Internet is also developing towards wireless and short distance, so the wireless transmission technology has become one of the most competitive technologies in the future, but it must guarantee the communication ability and service quality of wireless communication.
    The quality of the channel is studied. Through the introduction of UWB and its several channel models, namely Poisson model, modified Poisson model,Rayleigh channel model, indoor S-V channel model, modified S-V indoor channel model and the model and the analysis, through the MATLAB Simulink were under certain conditions simulated to obtain the characteristic parameters of the channel,The simulation results show that these models are close to the measured UWB system channel characteristic parameters, which are explained by these models.
    Model representative.
    Finally, through the evaluation of the UWB system, and the future to make a prospect, it can be seen that UWB is a technology of developing  
    the wireless short distance communication in the future.
    Keywords: UWB  UWB channel   model Rayleigh indoor channel model
    目  录
    1  绪论1
        1.1概述 1                                                                                                                        
        1.2 UWB定义1
    1.3 UWB超宽带技术的由来和在国外的发展1
        1.4 UWB在国内的发展3
    1.5 UWB的发展现状3
    2  超宽带UWB的介绍5
        2.1 UWB超宽带的基本原理和调制5
            2.1.1 UWB的原理5
            2.1.2 UWB的调制5
        2.2 UWB的特点7
        2.3 UWB 的应用7
    3  UWB信道测量采用技术10
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