
    Near Range Infrared Target Detection.Abstract:The research of Near range infrared target detection is a challenge task in the fields where machines vision are used to develop various systems. To extract a precise target position in the presence of infrared and significant noise, we propose a new algorithm based on Instantaneous frequency estimation of the sinusoidal frequency modulation signals for a fixed recycle seeker. In this  research we  propose a novel decision fusion algorithm for target tracking in forward-looking infrared 'FLIR' ,the algorithm allows  to estimate the position of the target in the current frame among a sequence of 'FlIR'. In the last part of the research we use spatial filtering Methods to simulate the results of the experiment.42361

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction 4

    2. Background in Infrared 5

    3. Target position extraction based on instantaneous frequency 5

    3.1Modulation by a Fixed Reticle 6

    3.2. Instantaneous Frequency  Estimation and the Hough Transformation 8

    3.2.1. Instantaneous-Frequency estimation 8

    3.3. The Hough Transform 9

    3.4. Proposed Algorithm 11

    3.5. Decision Fusion Algorithm for tracking 12

    3.6. Tracking Failure Modes in Closing FLIR sequences 13

    3.6.2. Ego-motion Compensation Failure Mode ''EMC" 13

    3.6.3. Target-Tracking Compensation Component ''TT'' 14

    3.6.4. Template-Matching component 14

    3.7. Update target model 16

    3.8. Algorithms used in decision fusing 18

    3.8.1. Modified fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation(MFJTC) 18

    3.10. Spatial filtering methods 20

    3.10.1. Mean Filter 21

    3.10.2. Median  Filter 24

    3.10.3. Linear weighting filter 27

    3.10.4. Gaussian Mixture Model 30

    3.10.5. Simulation and analyze of the results 38

    4. Conclusion 40

    5. References 41

    1. Introduction

    A few decades ago, astronomers realized that their view of the cosmos was at it best, only partial. It was not just a matter of seeing farther out, but also of using different eyes, eyes able to see other kinds of light or radiation. For natural reasons, the sky was first studied in visible wavelengths, but with sophisticated technology, radiation from other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have also come into play, initially in the radio, later at high energies such as X- and gamma-rays, and finally sensitive infrared observations have become possible. Infrared light was discovered about 200 years ago by the German-born British astronomer William Herschel. Different wavelengths of light reveal different natural phenomena, and the infrared has an important story to tell. since then there has been steady progress made in detection of infrared and advances in recent years have been especially important in their various applications outside the laboratory . The rapid growth in techniques for the detection of infrared has resulted in the need for the current topic ''Research on Near Range infrared Target Detection (近距离红外目标方位探测研究 ) ''.

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