


    关键词  超宽带;频谱;方波叠加;测距性能


    Title  Ultra-wideband impulse radar transmitter waveform generation and Ranging Techniques 


    Ultra-wideband radar signal bandwidth is very wide, with high range resolution, which was first used in the military field, now widely used in radar, imaging, precise positioning, target recognition and other technologies. Compared with the traditional "narrowband" and ordinary "broadband" technology, the main difference lies in the signal bandwidth. Compared with conventional narrow-band radar system, its advantages can be reflected in: anti-jamming performance, both broadband and low frequency characteristics, with a high range resolution, it has a good ability to identify targets, with ultra-short-range detection capability.

        The traditional method of ultra-wideband radar signal generation include direct digital waveform synthesis, high-speed analog switching devices, combined with the pulse shaping network generates a pulse waveform and use the avalanche effect transistor and the like. Due to relatively high hardware requirements described above, in order to reduce hardware standards, while generating a pulse signal, this paper presents a low-frequency square wave superposition method of generating transmit waveform to make it’s spectrum approach to the narrow pulse, and then close to the narrow bursts in the time domain waveform. Finally analysis ranging performance of the signal.

    Keywords:   Ultra-Wideband;Spectrum;Square wave superposition;Ranging performance


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  超宽带雷达的发展概况 1

    1.3  超宽带技术的特点 2

    1.4  超宽带技术的应用 3

    1.5  本文的主要研究内容及章节安排 3

    2  超宽带技术概论 4

    2.1  超宽带技术原理 4

    2.2  超宽带信号调制方式 4

    2.2.1  脉位调制(PPM) 4

    2.2.2  脉幅调制(PAM) 5

    2.2.3  正交多载波调制(OFDM) 5

    2.3  超宽带信号的接收 5

    3  超宽带信号的产生技术 7

    3.1  基于半导体器件的开关特性

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