


    关键词  防撞雷达 软件平台 数据库 硬件调试


    Title    Display Interface of the Automotive Radar Collision   Avoidance System                           


    With the rapid development of the economy,the number and types of vehicles are rapidly growing. The improvement of vehicle performance puts vehicles’ speed on a new level, which makes the traffic accident more frequently, resulting in a huge loss in casualties and economy. Therefore,finding an effective way to avoid vehicle collision is very important.Among all the methods, using radar anti-collision technology to improve driving safety has received lots of attention.

    Based on the domestic and foreign researches of automotive anti-collision radar system, the main research focuses on the detection of the surrounding objects and recording the relevant data during the running of the vehicle.This paper firstly introduced several anti-collision radars’ working principles and their  advantages and disadvantages respectively, then introduces the requirement and the choice of the software platform.Next,this paper uses the selected platform to design the software and establish database to store the data.Finally the software is connected to the hardware of the system to debug and debugging results show that the system is effective.

    Keywords  anti-collision radar software platform database hardware debugging

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2国内外研究状况 1

    1.3 论文结构安排 4

    2软件开发平台选择 5

    2.1主流开发语言简介与对比 5

    2.2.NET Framework概述 7

    2.3Visual Studio简介 7

    3软件设计与实现 8

    3.1通信接口 9

    3.2界面设计 15

    3.3目标的参数显示 18

    3.4坐标绘制 21

    3.5数据存储 23

    4系统调试 28

    4.1系统参数设置 28

    4.2结果显示 28

    4.3更改设置 30

    结论  31

    致谢  33


    附录A  35

    1  绪论

    1.1  研究背景


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