

    关键词: 跳频; 消息驱动; 抗干扰; 仿真


    Title    Research on Anti-Jamming Technology Based on     Message-Driven Frequency Hopping                  


    The wireless communication is susceptible to all kinds of noise and interference signals. The vast majority of existing communication systems did not take the impact of external interference and intentional interference from internal systems into account. The traditional means of anti-jamming has clearly revealed its flaws and shortcomings, and has become one of constraints of the development of communication system and information network. As the result, more advanced anti-jamming technology emerged. Message-driven frequency hopping technology is based on the classical frequency hopping system. In this paper, we chose the composition of the conventional frequency hopping system from the start, and then introduced its mathematical model and simulation model to expound the principles of the conventional frequency hopping system. And then we simulated to implement the system and calculated BER when White Noise was added. We further introduced the composition and theoretical performance of message-driven frequency hopping and focused on some key problems. We did system simulation based on the principle of transmitter design and receiver design. Thus we can have a deeper understanding of the anti-jamming technology based on message-driven frequency hopping.

    Keywords: frequency hopping; message-driven; anti-jamming; simulation  

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 2

    1.3 论文结构 3

    2 经典跳频通信系统 4

    2.1 系统组成 4

    2.2 数学模型 5

    2.3 仿真模型 7

    2.4 性能分析 9

    3 消息驱动跳频通信系统10

    3.1 组成原理10

    3.2 发射机设计10

    3.3 接收机设计12

    3.4 性能分析13

    3.5 核心问题的重点研究14

    4 系统仿真16

    4.1 经典跳频仿真16

    4.2 消息驱动跳频仿真20

    4.3 对比分析23




    1 绪论

    1.1 研究背景


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