    Dangerous goods warehouse, due to the environment temperature and humidity is too high, resulting in accidents occur frequently. Therefore, the design of a comprehensive, simple operation, high reliability of the dangerous goods warehouse monitoring system, to improve the work efficiency of the warehouse, reduce the accident rate has a positive role.
    As based on LabVIEW dangerous goods warehouse monitoring system, which has not only excellent data processing ability and low cost, easy maintenance, the most important is not affected by time and climate factors so as to meet the requirements of real-time monitoring for warehouse. The system through the temperature and humidity sensors and smoke sensors, the collected data through the conversion and then transmitted to the computer through the microcontroller, which in the LabVIEW software for real-time monitoring and limit alarm.
    Key words:Virtual Instrument;LabVIEW;data collection;SCM system;Detection alarm
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.1.1课题研究背景    1
    1.1.2课题研究意义    1
    1.2课题研究内容    1
    1.3课题研究方案    2
    1.4课题目的及任务    2
    1.4.1课题目的    2
    1.4.2课题任务    2
    1.5课题实现步骤    3
    1.5.1系统方案图    3
    1.5.2方案图步骤    3
    第二章  上位机软件系统设计    4
    2.1上位机系统综述    4
    2.2前面板    4
    2.2.1原理介绍    4
    2.2.2功能介绍    4
    2.3程序框图设计    6
    2.3.1功能介绍    6
    2.3.2操作函数VISA    6
    2.3.3函数实现过程    7
    2.3.4函数介绍    8
    2.3.5监测报警函数    9
    第三章  下位机硬件系统设计    10
    3.1硬件系统综述    10
    3.2数字温湿度传感器DTH11    10
    3.2.1概述    10
    3.2.2性能    10
    3.2.3封装    10
    3.2.4引脚    11
    3.2.5通讯过程    11
    3.3烟雾气敏传感器MQ-2    12
    3.3.1传感器性能    12
    3.3.2性能数值    12
    3.3.3封装图    12
    3.3.4引脚功能    12
    3.4单片机STC89C52    13
    3.4.1单片机性能    13
    3.4.2引脚功能    13
    3.5模数转换芯片ADC0832    14
    3.5.1芯片性能    14
    第四章  下位机软件设计    15
    4.1变量定义    15
    4.2串口发送接收数据    15
    4.3串口初始化    15
    4.4串口接收中断函数    15
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