
    摘要: 以往,温度控制的方法大都是利用传统的PID单片机实现的,但其明显表现出精确度不高、储存空间小、电路设计繁琐等缺陷。而本文主要是在由美国NI公司推出的LabVIEW的开发环境下进行的对温度控制系统的设计,使其能实现温度数据的采集、处理以及对温度的调节和控制。对于硬件部分,选用的是E型温度传感器,将其测量的温度经调理电路后输入数据采集卡中,为后续实现温度的监测和控制提供硬件支持。对于软件部分,通过LabVIEW 编写的程序框图,能实现数据采样、控制输出等功能.其中运用到LabVIEW自带的PID工具包对温度实行控制,并通过PID 算法,使温控系统能够自动调节电烤箱的温度。此次实验的设计具备精确度高, 操作简单,使用方便,稳定性佳等优点,能广泛运用于工业生产中。58148

    毕业论文关键词: PID算法;虚拟仪器;LabVIEW;温度控制;数据采集

     Design of temperature control system of PID based on LabVIEW

    Abstract: In the past, most of the temperature control method is realized by using the traditional PID microcontroller, but it had series of disadvantages showing low accuracy, little storage space and complex circuit. However, this paper mainly designs the temperature control system with the development environment,LabVIEW,created by the American NI company, which can afford data acquisition, data processing, temperature regulation and temperature control. For the hardware part, I choose the E temperature sensor, and put the measuring data into the acquisition card, to support for the monitoring and control of the temperature later. And for the software part, with the programs by LabVIEW, it can achieve the functions such as data sampling, control output and so on. At last, using the PID toolkit by LabVIEW  can control the temperature, and then the temperature control system can automatically adjust the electric oven’s temperature with the PID algorithm. This experimental design has the advantages of high precision, simple operation, easy to use, good stability, etc., and it can be widely used in industrial production.

    KeyWords:PID algorithm;virtual instrument;LabVIEW;temperature control;data acquisition

    1.绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景 1

    1.2选题的意义 1

    1.3国内外研究现状 2

    1.4设计的要求 3

    2.概述与简介 3

    2.1 Labview概述 3

    2.2 虚拟仪器简介 5

    2.3 温度控制方法 7

    3.温度控制系统对硬件的设计 8

    3.1温度的监测 9

    3.1.1温度传感器的选择 9

    3.1.2放大电路 11

    3.1.3滤波电路 11

    3.2温度的控制电路 12

    3.2.1数据的采集 12

    3.2.2温度的控制 13

    4.温度控制系统对软件的设计 13

    4.1温度信号采集模块 14

    4.2温度信号处理模块 15

    4.3 PID控制模块 15

    4.3.1PID控制 15

    4.3.2放大电路 16

    4.4 PID参数整定模块

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